Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Charlestown man held without bail after Springfield shooting

A New Hampshire man who recently moved to the Upper Valley from New Jersey was ordered held without bail Monday.


  1. Thank you Judge Pratt. This is a safer community now.

    1. Finally, a responsible judge, "NO BAIL!"

  2. Please keep him in jail. Take his sister too. Terrick is finally where he belongs. For that matter take their mother for birthing and clearly rasing these blemishes of good society into the animals they are. TAKE SPRINGFIELD BACK AND SAVE OUR KIDS!!!!!

  3. We clearly don't understand these people and need to let them out. They have had a hard life and were definitely treated badly in NJ. We should open up our hearts and homes to them so they can be healed. I can't believe how callous we are.

  4. Lock the blacks up without bail but release Bolaski, the white guy that was already convicted by a jury of his peers that was all white for murder. Anyone see a problem with that? No of course not...after all it's the Springfield way.

    1. Yeah, as if Springfield had any say in it one way or another, it's a State Court system, not a town court. Think about it

    2. Has it truly not occurred to you that this is not about race, it is about drug trafficking? Perhaps if these guys would refrain from
      a) bringing in heroin and
      b) trying to kill each other
      they would not attract the attention of police and courts.

    3. I find it funny that 9:47 is the one bringing race into this. I personally don't understand why the 16 year old isn't locked up also. I see people commenting on where these PEOPLE are coming from but nothing about race. This isn't a race issue. The issue here is DRUGS and VIOLENCE. With 13 felony convictions under his belt I think its a safe bet the best place for him not on our streets with our children.

      The deal with Bolaski, I haven't a clue about. Obviously, the courts have found something that wasn't quite right the first time around.

    4. He is innocent again, whether we agree or not. He is not a significant threat of flight.

    5. Its a good start! Let me guess, he was your drug dealer. Guess you should go down to Jersey and get your fix!

  5. I had just heard that the 16 year old involved was put under house arrest. Through friends I heard (but not confirmed) that he was thrown out by his father. I called the police chief and let him know what I had heard and was not sure about the validity of it but he should follow up to ensure that conditions of release were not violated. Lets see if that goes anywhere

  6. If only Vermont would take such effort...

    23 fugitives arrested in New Hampshire

    Posted: Jun 18, 2014 4:25 PM EDT

    Updated: Jun 18, 2014 4:25 PM EDT

    CONCORD, N.H. (AP) - The U.S. Marshals Service says its New Hampshire Joint Fugitive Task Force arrested 23 fugitives during a heroin and opiate drug sweep in the state last month.

    The operation between May 5 and May 23 targeted wanted felons with a history of heroin and opiate sales or use.

    The Marshals Service said Wednesday that the sweep was intended to locate heroin and opiate dealers and users who could pose a risk to the communities by reoffending to feed their habits. Authorities say more arrests are expected in the coming weeks.

    1. Shumlin has a plan, his plan, as he appears to me when he talks about it. Not sure who else is on board in his "Let the heroin users have free reign boat", not me. He just had a meeting with other north east "powers" on the subject of opiates (To sell his plan I bet). Well I don't agree with "treating" addicts unless it is in jail for many years. The only way to control a large population of rats is to catch and cage them.


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