Saturday, September 13, 2014

Cosmos run over MSJ

Football at Springfield.


  1. Good job, Cosmos! Keep it up.

  2. Way to go boys, #hammerdown

    1. I wonder where that saying originally came from? Also time for the coaching staff to clean up the language on the sidelines. No place for profanity coming from coaches and players. Is this how the culture being change?

  3. It looks like the Athletic Director picked the right coach after all.

    1. This wasn't just one coach. The players dedication was inspired by previous coaches and players and parents.

  4. It is easy to bash the athletic director and coaches when the program is losing, but funny once we win, attitudes change…. referring to anonymous comments about Harris and AD when Harris got the job. This town is damn lucky to have an AD, and coaching staff within the entire program (including Junior High) that cares about bringing Springfield Football and the community back to its strong roots.

    1. Reallly??? Check the latest score! Ha...ha!

    2. Interesting how certain post are left off? The bottom-line is that if you think the AD made the right choice? I guess morals and good sportsmanship don't matter. Is Harris heart in the right place, I am sure it is. But it still doesn't make it right or remove the AD from doing the right thing and not the "Joe Thing".
      Also why aren’t all post regarding the football program put on?


Please keep your comments polite and on-topic. No profanity

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