Saturday, September 13, 2014

Springfield comes up with another plan for Pleasant Valley Road

The Springfield Select Board voted this week to rebuild the two-mile Pleasant Valley Road in sections, after Public Works Director Jeff Strong said the road was in worse condition than he originally thought.


  1. been talking about fixing this road for 10 years now,how long is it gonna take to get it done,how about the select board stop supporting groups that want to take properties of the tax list and make them pay their fair share,tear the black top up and make it a dirt road again,the Rockingham end is

    1. Na, just the the signs on both ends to the:
      Leave it just the way it is.

  2. Dirt is the way to go with this road, makes no sense to dump money on this road go back to gravel

  3. I seem to recall last spring or winter the selectboard stated that no paving or improvements could be done to any roads in town as the whole budget was to be used to finish Pleasant Valley road??? What happened to all that money. I agree 100% with above comment. Tear up the blacktop and make it a gravel road that can be maintained

  4. Does McNaughton live on pleasant valley? He's sick and tired of roads not being done right? I can think of many heavily traveled roads in town that year after year get nothing but band aids. As mentioned last spring by others, I wonder who lives on pleasant valley which makes this priority

    1. The Realist vs. The Idealist (McNaughton): Cage Match - Coming Soon.

    2. Yeah, Yesman wanted to spend the same amount to grind and relay which would have lasted at least five years, well at least the several of the segments even if the first sank out of sight.

  5. Common sense, which is lacking on the select board, would say that the town's core infrastructure should receive the priority during lean budget years. Common sense also would seek to preserve the grand list in a manner that can at least maintain tax revenues, instead of exempting more properties for the stat's convenience. Based on the select board's actions, it appears that it will be necessary to call for the coroner so that common sense may be declared dead in Springfield.


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