Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Taking action

Rutland Police Chief James Baker had a message for the people of Springfield on Monday evening: It gets better.
Related story:
Rutland uses shared vision to fight back against drugs and crime


  1. RE: Baker described the data-based mapping program that the city has used to pinpoint trouble spots where drug dealing and related crimes are occurring.

    Here we go folks, another recommended tool to purchase for law enforcement - which is unnecessary for a town Springfield's size. Stick pins in a map to highlight concentrations of activity used to be sufficient as a cost of a few pennies for the pins. But now we need to spend tens of thousands on software to tell us nothing more than the pins did - but it's glitzy and "modern".

    The areas of crime in Springfield are well known to the police department. A mapping program is just a red herring of an excuse for the growing ineptitude of the town to solve its problem.

    It's time for changes at the top. A new town manager, then a new police chief, and so on...

  2. Seems like a waste of money to me.


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