MONDAY, JANUARY 12, 2015 @7:0oPM
Chairman, Kristi Morris, called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. Roll Call was taken and the Pledge of Allegiance recited.
Board Members Present: David Yesman, Chairman, Kristi Morris, Vice-Chairman, Stephanie Thompson, and Peter MacGillivray. George McNaughton arrived later in the evening.
Also Present: Town Manager, Tom Yennerell, Comptroller, Jeffrey Mobus, and Town Attorney, Stephen Ankuda.
B. ANY REQUESTED ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: Town Manager, Torn Yennerell requested to add the Police Memorandum between the Springfield Police Department and the Town of Springfield to the Executive Session. There were no objections.
a. Regular Board of Selectmen, Meeting Minutes, December 22, 2014
b. Budget Workshop, Meeting Minutes, January 5, 2015
MOTION: David Yesman moved to approve the Regular Board of Selectmen, Meeting Minutes, December 22, 2014 and Budget Workshop, Meeting Minutes, January 5, 2015 as submitted.
Seconded by Vice-Chairman, Stephanie Thompson
Vote: 4 Yes, passed unanimously (George McNaughton Absent)
ITEM 1: Approve Three Parade Permits 7 Town Manager Yennerell explained there were three Parade Permits to be approved. One was new to the Town of Springfield and the other two were routine requests.
MOTION: Vice-Chairman, Stephanie Thompson, moved to approve three Parade Permits for the following Applicants.
1. Mainly Marathons, Scheduled for August 26, 20.15, (Wednesday), from 5:00 AM to 3:00 PM. Proposed route will be 1.1 Miles of Toonerville Trail starting at the Jones Center and run repeated laps. Contact: Clint Burleson, (575) 382-8869
2. 10‘“ Annual Springfield Dam Run and Walk, Scheduled for May 3, 2015, (Sunday), from 8:00 AM to 11:30 AM. Proposed route will be River Street, Reservoir Road across the North Springfield Dam, onto Gurney Road, Route 106 and return to 335 River Street. Contact: Joe Cerniglia (802) 885-3555
3. Springfield Alumni Association, Springfield Alumni Parade Scheduled for June 20, 2015, (Saturday), from 9:00 AM to 12:30 PM. Proposed route will be starting at lower Clinton Street, through Main Street, onto Chester Road and ending at the Riverside Middle School. Contact: Jean Patoine (802) 226-7904 or (802) 591-7230 Seconded by David Yesman
Vote: 4 Yes, passed unanimously (George McNaughton Absent)
ITEM 2: Approve VTrans Mileage Certificate - Town Manager Yennerell explained the Selectboard would need to approve the Certificate of Highway Mileage. The State of Vermont uses the information submitted to determine State Aid.
MOTION: David Yesman moved to approve the Certificate of Highway Mileage to be submitted to VTrans. The Town of Springfield has Town Highways consisting of 2.879 miles of Class 1 Roads, 19.890 miles of Class 2 Roads, 100.70 miles of Class 3 Roads, and 28.107 miles of State Highways all totaling 151.576 miles. This is the same total as last year.
Seconded by Peter MacGillivray
Vote: 4 Yes, passed unanimously (George McNaughton Absent)
ITEM 3: Set Demolition Order Appeal Hearing Date - Town Manager Yennerell noted Mr. & Mrs. Donald Bishop have sent to the Town Attorney, Stephen Ankuda, via his Attorney a letter requesting an appeal with regard to their property located at 188 Wall Street. A hearing date and time needs to be set within forty days from the date of the filing of the appeal.
MOTION: Peter MacGillivray moved to set Monday, January 26, 2015 at 7:00 PM as the Hearing Date and Time for Mr. & Mrs. Donald Bishop.
Seconded by: Vice-Chairman, Stephanie Thompson
Vote: 4 Yes, passed unanimously, (George McNaughton Absent)
A copy of the Town Manager’s Report is attached.
F. FUTURE AGENDA ITEM PROPOSALS: - Chairman, Kristi Morris, asked for proposed future agenda items.
David Yesman - 1. Status of Judge Hudson’s Letter submitted to the Board of Selectmen. Chairman Morris shared himself, Town Manager Yennerell, and Police Chief, Douglas Johnston have met to discuss the request. The plan is to share the details at the Board of Selectmen Meeting of Monday, January 26, 2015.
Vice-Chairman, Stephanie Thompson - 1. Status of a Joint Board Meeting with the School Board Directors to discuss a SRO position.
Peter MacGillivray - l. Requested information on the Bradford Oil Court Ruling. This was explained to everyone by Town Attorney Ankuda. 2. On the Town Manager’s Report there was an item referring to Uninspected Vehicle Violation Notices; he asked for details. This falls under the Administrative Officers jurisdiction; Zoning Rules and Regulations. Town Manager Yennerell briefly explained there are two locations within Springfield violating the Zoning Rules and Regulations. These locations are on North Main Street and somewhere on Skitchewaug Trail Road.
21. Energy Committee Resignation
b. Freedom Park Neighborhood Group letter reply
c. Springfield Airport Commission, Meeting Minutes, December 17, 2014
d. Springfield Police Department, Monthly Report, December 2ol4
e. Springfield Senior Center, Monthly Newsletter, January 2015
Chairman Morris noted copies of the above correspondence could be picked up at the Town Manager’s Office.
ITEM 4: Executive Session - Revolving Loan Fund Application
MOTION: David Yesman moved to go into Executive Session at 7:37 PM to discuss a Revolving Loan Fund Application and the Police Union Contract.
Seconded by Vice-Chairman, Stephanie Thompson
Vote: 4 Yes, passed unanimously, (George McNaughton)
Please note the continuation of the Board of Selectmen Meeting, January 12, 2015 on the following page. Recording Secretary left at 7:40 PM. Thank You.
Submitted by:
Donna M. Hall,
Recording Secretary
Executive Session, January 12, 2015
Dave Yesman moved to approve a Revolving Loan Fund line of credit in the amount of $45,000 to Vermont Beer Shapers, LTD. The note will be at 3%, with a 5 year repayment schedule, and with the first payment due August 1, 2015. The collateral will be the equipment (second position). In addition, the Town required that they continue to meet with the Vermont Small Business Development Center every 6 weeks. The monthly payments and, if necessary, the balloon payment, will be determined by January 30, 2015. Peter McGillivray seconded the motion. George McNaughton arrived at 8:32pm. Brewer Gabe Streeter described the project for those present, noting that this line of credit would be used to prepare the space at 100 River Street and to relocate the brewery. They hope to begin brewing in April, once the site is prepared and they have obtained the necessary permissions. The Board approved the motion 3-0, with Stephanie Thompson abstaining due to possible conflict of interest and George McNaughton abstaining because he had not been present for the discussion.
David Yesman moved to authorize the Town Manager to sign the negotiated contract for the period July 1, 2013 through December 31, 2016 with the Police Union. Stephanie Thompson seconded the motion that then passed unanimously.
David Yesman moved to adjourn. Stephanie Thompson seconded the motion that then passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 8:40 pm.
No further business was conducted.
Respectfully submitted,
Jeff Mobus
Acting Secretary
Thanks so much for posting the selectboard meetings. Will this be ongoing?
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