Gov. Peter Shumlin took several questions from the audience at the Springfield Rotary Club meeting on Monday. The 3 featured in this clip ask about school funding, choosing to live off government benefits instead of working, and marijuana legalization.
Yes we're having trouble with our budget because you are not paying enough taxes. Standby for more taxes. We expect you to give up what you worked for to pay for those with excuses why not to work.
ReplyDeleteMassive kudos to PK for putting Scumlin on the spot with a needed question. However as usual, Scumlin attempted to worm his way out of it by claiming, change-in-place. BS!!!!! Everyone of those low-lifes PK identifies has subsidized housing and an EBT card. Scumlin has been writing legislation in Montpelier since 1992. The system we working stiffs adhore was created by Scumlin and his cronies, and how he wants praise for pretending to correct it. The man is as big a phony as Al Gore.
ReplyDeleteRE: "look around, more fiction than fact" (Statement addressing VT being a utopia for slackers and bums.)
ReplyDeleteMore bull from this liar. Other states including Maine now deny benefits to able bodied persons with no dependents. That would instantly resolve the loitering issue and go a long way to resolving dropout rate, poverty, and crime. Work or starve! Has a good ring to it, don't you think?
Watch this: