Friday, July 3, 2015

Go fund me to Vermont Leadership Institute

I have had the great honor of being selected for the 2016 Class of the Vermont Leadership Institute through the Snelling Center for Government.


  1. Just looking for a free ride? If this is such a grand opportunity, then she ought to be spending her own money. Funny how those in the political and social service world always want to utilize other people's resources so that they can personally get ahead. Such chutzpah (shameless audacity).

  2. I agree Anonymous 1:25 if she wants it bad enough she should pay her own way. All she is looking for is a free ride from those who she will pint fingers at and boss around.
    Look at her picture, nothing says I am young like the cleavage she is flaunting!

  3. I don't believe l caught your name young lady.

  4. This is the perfect model and example of the product from our town. Instead of working a little harder, getting an extra job or coming up with a way to earn the money, we have made it common practice to just ask for handouts. Do we want this type of example and model to be the future leadership of Springfield??

  5. I think these "GoFund me" pleas are getting a little out of line! This one in particular is just plain nonsense and cheapens the individual who is asking for money so she can take a vacation pretending it to benefit the town of Springfield.

  6. Why should a program lasting "a total of nineteen days" cost $8,000 and why should Springfield residents, already beaten down with high taxes, be asked to pay for her personal gain?
    My son wants to go to college in 2016. Should he start a "Go Fund Me" page and ask people to fulfill his dream? Instead, he has worked two part-time jobs for the last three summers and holds down a job during the school year. I respect that type of attitude and determination a lot more than someone who has a very good paying job at the family center asking the public to advance her dreams.


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