Friday, September 18, 2015

Lawmakers tour Springfield prison

A panel of legislators toured the Southern State Correctional Facility in Springfield on Thursday, with an eye toward the supports available for inmates with serious mental illness and complex medical needs.


  1. RE: "Health problems connected with aging are worsened for many inmates by decades of substance abuse and poor diets."

    This ranks on my priority list behind global warming and gun control. These felons are reaping what they sowed. They are owed NOTHING. At best these burdens to society could serve as an example to young adults just how "cool" a thug life ends.

    Alice would do well to have as much concern for those of us that work like dogs to sacrifice for a system she shamelessly reaps from. But hey, we aren't the ones who keep her in office.

  2. Did you know there are brand new dialysis units in the prison for only two of the states inmates!!! We have many local people, who are not convicted criminals, who need dialysis to survive. They have to travel 45 minutes or longer, 3 times a week, to get their treatment. Many times, the support isn’t there and the law abiding citizens who need dialysis can’t make their appointments and become deathly ill as a result. Yet the two convicts have anything and everything they need right outside their cell. These dialysis units need to be made available to the good citizens of Vermont, not the criminals. They should be relocated to an area such as SMC on River Street. The two criminals can travel 10 minutes down the road (oh what a hardship) for their treatment!

  3. They should've just stayed in there!

  4. If you can't do the time don't do the crime.!

  5. Misplaced priorities by misguided politicians. Anything for a photo-op, eh Alice? 9:41 is absolutely correct. Emmons could care less about the working stiffs who accommodate her in that little political cocoon she's dwelled in for far too many years. She's all about fleecing the working stiff to help those who refuse to help themselves. The woman is a disgrace.


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