BRATs Appear in New Documentary
Thanks to a trio of Dartmouth College film students, the Black River Action Team now has a way to tell their story in video. After many trips to Springfield over a six-week period this fall, the students Alex Moushey, Katie Toal, and Lily Morrison assembled a ten-minute documentary outlining the BRAT's mission. Picturesque scenes of the river are interspersed with footage of a half-dozen BRAT volunteers conducting a variety of projects, from water quality monitoring, and shopping cart retrieval, as well as an ongoing project learning about contamination and mitigation options at an old Brownfield site along the river, done in partnership with Springfield Regional Development Corporation.
Soon to be aired on local-access television, the video can be viewed on YouTube by searching for "Black River Action Team" or using this link:
For more information about the Black River Action Team, contact Director Kelly Stettner by email at or my leaving a message at (802) 738-0456. The group's website is

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