Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Gov. Shumlin announces completion of fifth state corrections solar project

A 500 kilowatt solar net metering project at the Southern State Correctional Facility in Springfield is finished.

SPRINGFIELD - December 8, 2015 - Gov. Peter Shumlin today announced the completion of a 500 kilowatt solar net metering project at the Southern State Correctional Facility, the fifth of seven state correctional facilities to be powered by solar.
The project is part of an initiative the Governor announced in September of 2013 to deploy 5 megawatts of solar power that will increase the state’s use of renewable energy while saving taxpayers on state energy costs.
“This is a perfect example of how we do renewable energy in Vermont,” said Gov. Shumlin. “Local solar that powers our public buildings all while creating and supporting local jobs. I’m so proud of the state for leading by example.”
The project at the Southern State Correctional Facility is using solar trackers made by AllEarth Renewables of Williston, and the trackers feature local components, including electrical boards manufactured by PCM Image-Tek of Springfield, less than 3 miles from the project site.
 "As a local manufacturer, it's great to have work within Vermont's growing solar industry and even more rewarding to see the results of our work powering a project just down the road.  We see a bright future in Vermont's solar sector," said PCM-ImageTek President Mike Hathaway.
"We are pleased to continue making progress on this initiative and to be helping the state save taxpayer money, create good local jobs, and keep electric costs down while producing Vermont-made solar energy," said Andrew Savage, Chief Strategy Officer at AllEarth Renewables.  "With manufacturing and supply partners for our locally made tracker around the state like PCM Image-Tek, projects like this show first-hand the role of the Vermont solar industry creating jobs and adding value to the state."
Upon completion, the state solar initiative will save taxpayers more than $2.5 million in energy costs over twenty years with no state investment, while producing over 7 million kilowatt hours per year of clean Vermont-made solar electricity. 
The Renewable Energy Credits for all State projects are all being retained and retired in-state.


  1. About time the electric chair goes solar. Inmates best pray for cloudy days.

    1. Dear moron...not all that go to the big house belong in the electric chair...but that is ok.....the day you slip watch out!!

    2. Da, thar is no ele chair in Springfield, got you thinking though.

  2. It would be cheaper and more effective to chain them to the top of a tall metal radio tower when the weather report predicts thunderstorms. A lightning strike would be considered an act of God and therefore we wouldn't have to worry ourselves about debating capital punishment anymore.

  3. On a more serious note, what percentage of the total prison electricity consumption does this solar installation supply ? Thanks !

  4. My wife and I are up there almost every week for Prison/music/ministry.

    I have noticed that in the PM ( at least during the warmer months ) one set of panels would be overshadowing a good portion of the next panel assembly. This was fairly consistent across the whole array. PLUS, later in the evening , around 6-730 , the most westerly panels would see almost NO sun because of the tree line being too close to the arrays.


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