Thursday, December 10, 2015
Springfield town budget up 2.8 percent
Town Manager Tom Yennerell said Wednesday the proposed increase in taxes in Springfield’s next $11 million town budget has already declined, from 3.12 percent to 2.75 percent.
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Strange. The Social Security Administration just sent me a letter saying that the cost of living didn't go up at all in 2015. They don't know about Springfield's taxes?
ReplyDeleteIt would be news if it went down.......
ReplyDeleteAh yes, but you see they play the old game of bait and switch. They'll make you believe that they are doing us a favor by only making it go up by 2.75% instead of the predicted 3.12% It certainly would be news if it went down but that will never happen. You know what happens when my insurance rates go up at my job? Yup, I get that difference passed along to me. And Springfield wonders why people are leaving and the grand list is down. Amazingly counter-productive. And to any Pollyanna's who say, "Then why don't you leave?" please, I implore you to make an offer on my house and you will only see my break lights disappear in the distance.
ReplyDeleteThe sad part is that even though the budget goes up every year the wonderful people of Springfield keep voting it in.
ReplyDeletemaybe the could sell some highway department trucks and lower the budget with the money from the sale,looks like a used car lot up there
ReplyDeleteSeems like the $50k for those retiring is a left over mistake from when Forguites was in charge. The board should not have released specific names. It is beginning to become impossible to live in this town. First news of the budget increase and then the 190 bags of heroin found, both headlines in the same day.
ReplyDeleteNo mistake, it is earned sick time and vacation time.
DeleteI would think with the closing of Gateway there would not be an increase.
ReplyDeleteAgain an educated voter, Gateway is the School District, not the Town of Springfield
ReplyDeleteDo town employees have their ETO capped or can they just accrue as much as they want?