Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Convicted bank robber sought in latest holdup

Police said a Weathersfield man convicted of bank robberies in Springfield and a gas-station holdup in Ludlow earlier this year is the prime suspect in an armed bank robbery in Ludlow late Monday afternoon.


  1. Of COURSE this convicted armed robber was out on bail.

  2. The crimes in this on-going spree are only the ones known did he obtain the hand gun for instance..I realize it is a stretch for the Vermont judicial system, but it may be time to lock this one up when they finally catch him.

  3. I think the first thing that has to happen here is to arrest the judge who unleashed this felon after he was convicted. This is the kind of judicial nonsense that keeps occurring and endangering the public. Let these liberal clowns masquerading as judges spend some time in the pokey with their friends.

    1. you are spot on about the judges

  4. What? If he's a drug addict he's not going to quit on a dime. Insanity to think otherwise.

    1. If he was in jail, like he should be, he'd quit on a dime.....

    2. I think there's drugs in jail.

  5. If I was a police officer I wouldn't waste my time or taxpayers money on this. The court system will just let him out again....

  6. It's not like you would have ever seen this coming. What a joke the Criminal Justice System has become here. When the state starts getting sued over wrongful deaths based on these clowns posing a Judges decisions, maybe then something will change?

    1. @9:48 As much justifiable contempt as you hold for Vermont's judiciary and parole boards, what are you prepared to do about it? Springfield overwhelmingly sends the same, do-nothing, representatives and state senators to Montpelier every election cycle. Yet in the classic definition of insanity we expect a different result.

      If elected Windsor country senator I would be publicly demanding those on the judicial review board and particularly parole board chair Dean George appear at town meeting and apologize to the community for the losses, heart ache, and murder they are directly responsible for.

      But alas, the selfish parasites of this fetid rat hole demand nothing of these officials other then their next handout. Damn this place sucks!

    2. It's like the old joke, What do you call a whale turd on the bottom of the ocean ? A POLITICIAN or is that stink down there a LAWYER ?

  7. Elect TRUMP, build a wall around __________________.
    Fill in the blank.


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