SAPA TV, Springfield’s public access TV station, invites cable viewers to spend Christmas Day watching the 1964 science fiction comedy film ‘Santa Claus Conquers the Martians,’ which will run all day on channel 8.

SAPA TV ‘Santa Claus Conquers the Martians’
Submitted by admin on Tue, 12/22/2015 - 1:56pm
EXTRA! EXTRA! “Martians Kidnap Santa Claus!” Read all about it!
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REGION - SAPA TV, Springfield’s public access TV station, invites cable viewers to spend Christmas Day watching the 1964 science fiction comedy film ‘Santa Claus Conquers the Martians,’ which will run all day on channel 8.
‘Santa Claus Conquers the Martians’ is the story of how Santa Claus brings the spirit of giving and togetherness to the people of Mars after they kidnap him. The movie, which is generally ranked among the worst ever made, is suitable for children of all ages and is in color. Airings start at midnight and will repeat steadily, giving local residents ample opportunity to appreciate just how much Air Force stock footage went into the making of this film.
The regularly scheduled Friday service for Life Fellowship Church will be shown at the usual airing time of noon on channel 10 instead. SAPA TV can be seen on the Comcast cable system in Springfield, Weathersfield, Chester, and in Reading, N.H.
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