Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Selectboard hears options for tackling 'blighted' property

Selectboard members on Monday heard options on how to deal with so-called blighted property in Springfield — one of the main goals of the town's ordinance committee.



  1. Springfield recidents are so depressed they don't see the "blighted" areas of the town.

  2. When will this town learn? If Springfield has any hope of a revival, hard difficult decisions need to be made. People will be upset, there will be legal fees, but for the love of all that is right, stand up Springfield.

    Another small business has left town and with it a young entrepreneur. Why? Because of the social conditions that exist in our town. It is time to put up a fight.

    Support the passing of ordinances that limit blight.
    Support the passing of zoning regulations that limit ability for out-of-town landlords to run our community and fill it with vile scum.
    Support our schools.
    Do not support those organizations that constantly ask for handouts at town meeting without accountability.
    Make those who are not productive members of our community feel out of place within Springfield.

  3. Another burden is the APPEALS process.

    Don't like the selectboard decision? The liberal State will give yet another pass. Poor you, can't keep your house clean. Sob. We'll give you more time.

  4. There appears to be opposition to putting the "blight" issue on the ballot. My guess it will be a three to two vote on the issue. The VLCT presentation was a pretty long rehash of what has been said before. Doubt there will be a majority in favor of letting it on the ballot. Could be wrong, suspect it will come down to which way the Selectman named Peter votes.


Please keep your comments polite and on-topic. No profanity

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