Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Town seeks to demolish Park Street house

The town is pushing ahead with plans to demolitish an unsafe and dilapidated building across from Park Street School. The Select Board voted Monday night to pursue bids for tearing down the old house at 69 Park St.


  1. Repairs? Knock that thing down. It is an eyesore and a danger. It would cost way more then it's worth to read that structure.

  2. Thata way, bout time the Select Board starts flexing some muscle.

  3. Great job select board. Neighbors on Pearl are going to be so happy to not have to drive by this eyesore any more.

    1. Where were those neighbors at the meetings?

    2. Yes Jack, I and others were. Unfortunately, our feckless slectboard has proven unresponsive to pleas to remove the eye sores that depress our property values. Matter of fact, like a cancer the blight is accelerating while the dolts on the selectboard research formulating a plan.

      Mark my words, like the condemned properties on Carly Road, Wall Street and Valley Street this structure on Park Street will still be standing a year from now. The Parks & Wilson building will have either burned or collapsed further, SRDC will have pocketed tens of thousands more in grants the yield NOTHING and the grand list will even shrink further forcing another tax increase.

      But what the hell, these dolts were legitimately elected to the board proving just how stupid the 2/3, low income, majority of this rathole is. And that Jack is who they respond to.

      As mentioned by other posters, successful young families avoid Springfield like a plague as they are unable to build equity here. A condition prosperous, well governed communities do not tolerate. See you there soon.

    3. Aren't Valley Street and Wall Street the Bishop properties which are tied up on appeal to the Superior Court. How is the fact that they were appealed the Selectboard's fault?

  4. Demolition and clean up are not free.Someone has to cover the cost and the owner will be left with the bill.If in this economy they don't have the money to fix the property how then would they be able to pay for the demo and clean up?

    1. Get with the program 8:06, the approved article from last year's town meeting addressed that issue. Please, attend selectboard meetings or watch SAPA, or at a minimum read a news paper. Trust you're in that 2/3 bracket, right?

    2. The resale of the lot after foreclosure of the demolition lien, might not be enough to cover the demolition costs, but wouldn't there be a judgment against any other property the landowner owned?

  5. Oh poor neighbors have to drive by someone's hardship,maybe they could find a program that would help them deal with the stress of it all.Stupid is what Donald would say and he would be right.Get a life.


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