Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Springfield ramps up efforts to deal with blighted properties

The selectboard has been trying to work with landlords who own the most derelict properties. Now the town wants to ramp up its response.



  1. Please don't forget, in my opinion, the particle board piece of @rap building blocking the view of the river. For some reason, someone, is trying to cover it up with those godforsaken pieces of art work. Take it down and improve main street. Keep and or fix the hydro power unit there.

    1. That makes sense to me, but save the art work for another location.

  2. It would take mighty deep pockets, but the old P&W building could be transformed into some wonderful NY style loft apartment, with high ceilinged, light filled units with views of Comtu falls. Unfortunately the economics of such a restoration make no sense. I doubt there is a market in Springfield for what would have to be very high end condos, or even rentals.

  3. Re-purposing these properties is but a pipe dream that will leave them languishing interminably. Tear them down and allow those sites to be rebuilt on from the ground up.

    Springfield's leaders continue to be weak and blind to the town's most vital need, which is a base of sturdy employment. All focus must be applied to recruitment of stout industry that will put people to work at wages worthy of purchasing homes, raising families, reinvigorating retail, and restoring the town's lost honor. Until that is accomplished, Springfield shall remain a dark shadow of its former self, and those shadows shall harbor its continuing demise.


Please keep your comments polite and on-topic. No profanity

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