Thursday, February 25, 2016

Whitcomb building flooded

Torrents of muddy storm water pouring down from the hills above Mineral Street flooded the senior housing Whitcomb building this morning prompting the evacuation of first floor residents. Authorities say it will be 2 months before they can be allowed to move back in.

When the fire department arrived shortly after 2 a.m., they found the water level inside the building, "up to our shins". Residents were told to stay in their beds until the flooding was under control. Stormwater was soon diverted away from the building, a blocked storm drain was cleared and the water inside drained. A coating of mud remained on all interior floor surfaces on the ground level. At daylight, a clean up crew from Servpro arrived to begin the clean up and restoration work.

There are reports of other significant flooding and washouts around town. A family in Springfield was evacuated after they became trapped in their home by floodwaters.

Photo shows a storm drain across from the Whitcomb building gushing muddy water after heavy rains back in 2013.    


  1. The torrent pushed gravel onto Clinton Street, to the credit union driveway. Must have been quite the flood.

  2. My senior aunts building. Tydans company came to the rescue fast when the first floor seniors were all displaced and needed rescue. They got everyone to other apartments (some are in other buildings around town). We had all our bare necessities, oxygen, hospital beds, toaster, microwave, some dishes and more, on the same day. Packing up and sorting flooded stuff in these cold flooded apartments has been a very hard job but they are organized and polite to the people. They are doing great work in a flood. God Bless the men and women who took good care of the first floor seniors at Whitcolm building this week. When we move we will use this company.

  3. Another reason to ban smoking in these apartments.......


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