Thursday, February 25, 2016

Students taking action

In high school, students have a list of things they must accomplish in order to graduate. At Springfield High School, students must complete 40 hours of community service by their senior year in order to graduate.    


  1. That seems like a 97% good idea. The hitch in the giddyup would be for the money-less grinder, who absolutely MUST go to college, and can't do it without scholarships. SHS got any grinders?

  2. Misdirected, liberal, do-gooders in Springfield's failed school system having lost sight the objective.

    As both a parent and employer I am disgusted at what passes for education here in Springfield. With one of the worst ranked school systems in the State, students can not afford core studies compromised.

    Community service is best left to Scouting, church youth groups, AmeriCorps VISTA volunteers, court sentencing, etc. Unconscionable to deny a child the class room time necessary to be successful.

  3. chuck gregory2/25/16, 7:59 PM

    It seems for years the school board has been playing defense-- time after time the budget gets voted down, in large part, I think, because people are discontented with the town budget but don't want to vote it down instead. So, like an abused spouse, the board tries to be nicer and nicer to the batterer-- and-- just as in domestic abuse-- it doesn't work.

    1. And your running for town select board??

  4. Volunteer time doesn't take kids out of the classroom. It does however get them into the community and giving back. A lesson most parents don't teach anymore as evidenced by the lack of volunteers throughout society. A few hours a year spent doing good things for others and not sitting down with a screen is a good thing....

    1. Giving back?!!! I and my wife each work in excess of 60 hrs a week to pay over $4000.00/YR in property tax and my child has to give back to get a diploma? How about all the children getting "free" meals give back by mowing my lawn? Excellent lesson for children of Bernie voters that NOTHING is free.

    2. You and your wife give plenty, I'm talking about your kid! THEY should the value of volunteer time. It's ten hours a YEAR! Responsible adults contribute to their community.... Let raise our children so they become responsible adults. Are you one of those parents who's kid is never wrong? When they fail it's someone else's fault? Hmmmmm Get over it!

    3. It is not up to the liberal failing school system to dictate what constitutes the proper ways or how parents should choose to raise their children. The students are not volunteering their time. They are being forced into laboring for free. That is not volunteering. Sure sounds like slavery to me. A system we abolished many years ago. Encouraging is one thing, forcing is slavery.

  5. Hey it is the PC thing to do. Forcing our youth to participate, against their own free will, in providing free labor for some of the dole programs that surround this town will really set these students off in the right direction. Getting someone else to pay for your own expenses, do your work and live on the dole is easier than becoming a productive member of society. The students are being taken advantage of by providing forced free labor that amounts to many thousands and thousands of dollars that should have been paid to someone seeking gainful employment who wants to support themselves with a paying job. If you want to encourage someone to volunteer their services this is not the proper way to do it. If you want to steal hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of forced free labor for whatever ridiculous program or businesses that can't function on their own this is the system that you choose to use.

    1. chuck gregory2/28/16, 10:47 AM

      So, the elderly and shut-in needy shouldn't have someone who will shovel their walk or bring their groceries at no cost? Kids shouldn't learn that there's more to life than school, school, school, Twitter and smartphones? This country by and large is run by people who don't do their own grocery shopping. The more students who learn that different people live in different ways, the better off they are.

    2. Chuck it is not for the school system to dictate that students engage in forced unpaid labor. That should be left to the parents. Give up your nanny state ways. They don't work. What the school system is doing is illegal and it is called slavery.

  6. Slavery?? Please. These kids are spoiled and entitled. It will do them good to put down their IPhone and do something. Stop breastfeeding teenagers!


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