Recently at the Hartness State Airport in North Springfield, the local Civil Air Patrol bestowed promotions on four of its cadets.
Civil Air Patrol promotions
Submitted by admin on Thu, 04/07/2016 - 3:37pm
Cadet 1st. Lt. Vincent Moeykens is promoted to Cadet Captain.
Photo Provided
SPRINGFIELD, Vt. - A recent meeting, which had to be moved into the airport lounge due to the number of attendees, saw the following promotions:
Luke Brown from Cadet Airman 1st Class to Cadet Senior Airman
Abigail Williams, Kit Oney and Louisa Oney were all promoted from Cadet Technical Sergeants to Cadet Master Sergeants and Cadet 1st. Lt. Vincent Moeykens was promoted to Cadet Captain.
In being promoted to Captain, Vincent Moeykens received the Amelia Earhart Award, which less than 5% of Cadets nationwide achieve. Through Civil Air Patrol Capt. Moeykens has received his glider solo wings and is working towards his private pilot license. Capt. Moeykens is also qualified as a Ground Team member which enables him to participate in search and rescue incidents; he is a sophomore at Windsor High School where he is an honor student, participates in varsity sports and recently received Civil Air Patrol’s Community Service ribbon for his volunteer services with The American Precision Museum.
In view of the prestige associated with this promotion, former Squadron Commander and retired Naval Commander, Thomas Hayes was asked to perform the promotion, assisted by the new Captain’s Mother Mairead Collins.
Capt. Moeykens has just been chosen to represent Vermont at the Intel International Science and Engineering event to be held later this year in Phoenix, Arizona. This is an all expense paid trip.
The Civil Air Patrol is the auxiliary of the United States Air Force and is open to Cadets at age 12 and seniors of any age are eligible. The Squadron meets most Sunday’s at 1600 hrs. (4 p.m.) at Squadron Headquarters adjacent to the Hartness State Airport in North Springfield. There will be no meetings on either March 27 out of respect for East, nor on April 3 as members will be away for the Spring Bivouac. The next meeting will be April 10.
For further information you may contact the Commander: Maj. Kathleen R. Fellows at 802 263-5544 or
We are always looking for new members to support our missions and continue in our search for pastoral support.
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