16-04-13 / Front Page Preparing high school students for the future Springfield High School hosts annual college week By ERICKA SCHOFF Kyra Peoples listening to a presentation about Mount Holyoke College. ERICKA SCHOFF Kyra Peoples listening to a presentation about Mount Holyoke College. ERICKA SCHOFF As the students entered their final quarter of the school year, the Springfield High School (SHS) staff hosted their annual college week. On April 5 and 7, SHS students were given the opportunity to visit teachers within the high school and get to know about the colleges they had attended and career paths they’re familiar with. College week gives students an idea of what college life is like from the perspective of someone they can trust. Prior to these two days, students selected schools or careers that they thought might interest them. On these days, students were able to spend 45 minutes developing an understanding of what the different colleges have to offer. Emily Antonivich, a junior, enjoyed hearing her teachers’ experiences with college and the application process. Overall, Antonivich believes the week is very beneficial. “I've learned a lot from the teachers about adjusting to college life freshman year. They talk a lot about what it's like to move onto a big campus and how to find ‘your people’ when you get there,” she said. “Listening to the teachers talk about college can really open up a relationship between students and faculty about choosing a college and applying,” Antonivich continued. Antonivich visited the University of Vermont presentation and the small vegetable farming career path. Even though college week is more beneficial for the juniors, Brandon Bryant, a freshman, is eager about his future after high school. “I've learned that if you try hard and do your best you will go far in life,” said Bryant. “I think the purpose of college week is to make students really think about what they are able to do. I signed up for UVM and Hillside Auto because UVM seems very fun and I really enjoy hands on work.” Bryant, along with his peers were able to be introduced to interesting careers and colleges. Alex Warner, a junior, believes it is more comforting to receive information from someone he knows, rather than a website. “I’ve learned from teachers that college websites are a great resource, but hearing an actual person's experience offers some very beneficial information,” he said. “College week benefits the students by allowing them to get a feel for a specific college or what they may want to pursue after high school,” continued Warner. Caitlyn Cooney, a sophomore, loved that the teachers gave the students an opportunity to research schools without having to do all the traveling. “Some of my classmates haven't realized yet that when you go to college, you're there for four years. Everyone needs to see different colleges to be able to get a feel for what they want,” said Cooney, “Overall, I think the purpose is to show us that there's more out there. College week gives every student something to look into, whether it's cosmetology schools, military, or university's, there's something for everyone.” Cooney visited the University of Delaware and international colleges presentations. Kyra Peoples, a junior, thought that the options for students this past week were endless. She loved the idea that students were able to choose colleges and careers that they had an interest in. Peoples was able to attend the Mount Holyoke College presentation. “I learned so much about what to look for when applying to college,” she said. “I still haven’t decided what I’m looking for in a college, but college week opened my eyes to all of the opportunities.”
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