Saturday, April 16, 2016

Springfield strategic plan has early success

The town’s new downtown redevelopment strategy plan has gotten off to a great start: The top priority is already close to coming true.

Selectboard approves downtown portion of strategic plan
The Springfield Selectboard has completed work for the downtown revitalization goal of the town strategic plan and unanimously approved all objectives and action steps at its Monday meeting.


  1. Without acknowledgment of why retail businesses chronically fail on Main Street, no strategic plan will have an impact. Bottom line, it's demographics stupid. When Springfield's feckless selectboard allowed low income housing to expand to the point that over 2/3 of the population is on the dole, no desirable enterprise can flourish.

    So what's the selectboard do, but encourage housing for criminals that belong in a youth detention center right on the town square! You can't make this stuff up.

    1. You could always run for Selectman if you're not happy with the current board.

  2. chuck gregory4/17/16, 8:15 AM

    8:04, what is your source for the claim that 2/3ds of the population is on the dole?

  3. I'm happy that the board is trying and in many cases, doing something. However, I do agree with 8:04 that the Woolson Block should be used for means other than some type of correctional institution. Who wants their business underneath a bunch of crazed criminal kids stomping and screaming. It's the heart of the square. They made mention of Woodstock recently and how people "flock" there. You would never see low income housing or correctional stuff on Main St. in Woodstock. Neverrrrrrrr. It's a challenging issue I guess, but I think it's time the town started taking care of the law abiding instead of the opposite and start giving me a reason to stop my exodus 11 miles away to Claremont everytime I need something.

    1. James Wormstead4/18/16, 5:12 PM

      Hm, you don't like what was done at the theater?

    2. Did you forget there used to be a correctional facility on Main Street in Woodstock?

    3. James, the theater itself has been successful mainly because of the hard working entrepreneurial spirit of its owners. Beyond that, the new, retail store fronts have remained largely vacant just like the rest of Main Street. A $4.6M renovation of the Wilson Block wont have its store fronts in any greater demand. The Woolson Block is of no architectural or historical significance. tearing it down would open the river view and potentially attract efficient, modern construction.

    4. Used to be...being the key term

  4. I agree with 11:44am. I truly the Woolson Block were going for a different use. I consider myself fairly liberal, and I still can recognize that making low income housing for behaviorally-challenged youth is not the best way to revitalize a downtown. Additionally, whenever I read these stories, there's always mention of creating more parking downtown. Why all the need for extra parking if the number of businesses there keeps dwindling?

  5. chuck gregory4/18/16, 6:49 PM

    The single biggest reason Springfield's downtown is bereft of businesses is, quite simply, Wal-Mart. Their average store has a competitive advantage no local business would ever have-- from half a million to a million dollars of taxpayers' money subsidizing their criminally underpaid employees. Once a Wal-Mart has destroyed the competition, it then jacks up the prices-- but not the wages. We can do something about this, but we don't think about trying.

    1. Chuck, do you think shopping more at Wally World can fix this? That way they will have to hire more criminally underpaid employees thus lowering the taxes spent on welfare and unemployment. I am not really sure that they are hiring criminals for employees though. I know a guy who knows a guy who knows a Walmart employee and he says that happy employee has no criminal record. Go figure!

  6. the professional building next door to Bibens is almost empty save for a hair salon and orthdontist; how about utilizing the remainder of the building for a senior center; plenty of parking; no stairs; no crossing Main St and taking your life in your hands; there have been several auto accidents when senior are trying to cross the street and cars rearend each other because some drivers do not stop for crosswalks (it is just a matter of time until a senior is run over); that building makes more sense that spending money of that old wreck on Main St which would fall down if an elevator were put into it

    1. Sounds like a good idea... er, does the town own that building? I'm guessing not; so what's your plan?

  7. Well, I know this is asking a bit much for the residents to get involved and actually take an active role because as we know VERY well if it isn't crashing through most of Springfield residents doors then they are not willing to put themselves out there.

    These types of facilities and housing are BIG BIG BUSINESS these days. They are a money maker. Look around you at what you have allowed in under the guise that it is to rehabilitate blah blah blah. I would suggest a public showing/screening of "KIDS FOR CASH" it is a documentary available on Netflix. Watch that and then think about what is gaining a foothold in the community. There will NEVER be ANY revitalization as long as you have an element of undesirable populous around. Take a drive through wealthy shopping districts and neighborhoods. You WILL NOT find any housing projects, low income housing, drug rehab for regular people, prisons. None of it. WHY? Because money buys happiness and security and NOBODY and I mean NOBODY from homebuyers to tourists will come within 100 feet of any district with that going on. Wake up Springfield. It takes a village to raise a takes a community to stand up and say ENOUGH and back your leaders down. You have to spend time out of your own personal life and put forth effort to improve things. Whether that be running for a position on the select board, school board, or just organizing a community clean up or paint day. Its very very sad what I see and it is what is driving away decent families and or businesses. ( I wont get started on the lack of vision the select board has)


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