Sunday, April 17, 2016

Video: More kids eat breakfast with 'Vermont Breakfast after the Bell Challenge'

Elm Hill School has seen a 157% increase in breakfast participation since they moved their breakfast program from the cafeteria to the classroom, as part of the Vermont Breakfast after the Bell Challenge.



  1. I wish it was free for every child to have a breakfast at Elm Hill. Does this grant allow that to happen? Too bad they had to take away morning recess to make this happen.

  2. chuck gregory4/19/16, 10:49 AM

    10:51, it's a good thing you didn't see "Where to Invade Next" while it was playing in Springfield (last shows are today and tomorrow). You would have wept to see how much better the French school nutrition program and the Finnish educational system are than we have here in the US.

    The entire school board was invited to a private showing. Only one accepted the invitation.

  3. Just another step in taking the responsibility of raising children from the parents and giving the government control over them with unlimited taxpayer dollars. Won't be long before the schools will house the children and issue uniforms. That's been tried before in a program called the Hitler Youth organization. The program allowed easy access to indoctrinate their minds and eventually use them as fodder in World War II at younger and younger ages. The applauding of the usurping of parental rights while ignoring the longer term aspects of a seemingly simple and harmless program is short-sighted.

  4. Let me get this straight, parents are withholding food from children so now I am taxed to both fund their parent's EBT card and WIC benefits, plus staff and serve two free meals at school? What was it that was mentioned about community demographics and why no responsible, young family would relocate here?

    1. Well gee, 1:36 pm I think your right. These poor people have to sell the EBT cards to by the heroin they need to make it through the day. So what if the kids miss a couple meals along the way! What a joke this liberal State, and this town are. We're the dumping ground for Montpelier. And with it comes what we have to much of. Start drug testing people sucking off the system and stop rewarding lazyass bad behavior! $4000 grand a month for the people busted last month for selling heroin .

  5. Parents are to busy staring into their firking cell phones in the mourning and don't pay enough attention to their kids and hence their first meal of the day.

  6. chuck gregory4/20/16, 9:34 AM

    1:40 and 1:36, it's not 1965 anymore. Thanks to the disconnection between their productivity (up 240% since then) and their pay (flatlined in constant dollars), households now have to have both parents work in order to make ends meet. In many Springfield families, this means kids are left pretty much to their own devices in making breakfast. I don't think you'll find they know much about nutrient balancing, but rely on what they've seen advertised on TV-- which is nutritionally horrific.

    They will load up on simple carbs, which boost their attention and energy levels almost immediately, but are used up in about forty minutes-- roughly the bus ride plus 10-20 minutes of school. Complex carbs would keep them attentive and energetic for an hour and a half or so, but those are found in fruits and vegetables (which of course the kids won't prepare for themselves). And when the complex carbs are expended in 2-3 hours, the fats they'd eaten would kick in and carry them through to lunch time.

    Without a properly balanced breakfast, kids not only crash in the classroom, they also become more vulnerable to classroom germs-- so they are sicker than well-nourished classmates. Sicker and stupider. Not exactly what we would like Springfield's students to be noted for.

    It's not a matter of parental rights; it's a matter of parental necessity. Since we are accustomed to transferring wealth upward ever more and more, we are depriving many parents of the right to be customary parents.

    Forty percent of the children in the Springfield school system qualify for free or reduced-price meals. That should tell you something about the need for school breakfasts.


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