Shown here with Springfield Elks Lodge Exalted Ruler Vicki Siliski is Jackie Driscoll-Page chosen as the 2015/2016 Springfield Elks Lodge 1560 “Elk of the Year”.

Springfield Elks Lodge #1560 “Elk of the Year”
Submitted by admin on Thu, 04/28/2016 - 4:38pm
Shown with Springfield Elks Lodge Exalted Ruler Vicki Siliski is Jackie Driscoll-Page chosen as the 2015/2016 Springfield Elks Lodge 1560 “Elk of the Year”.
Photo Provided
SPRINGFIELD, Vt. – Recently, Exalted Ruler Vicki Siliski of Springfield Elks Lodge 1560 presented the annual Elk awards for the year of 2015/2016.
She chose Jackie Driscoll-Page as the Lodge’s “Elk of the Year” for her countless hours spent at the Lodge. She is the Lodge’s Scholarship chairperson. She ran the annual kids Christmas party and many other projects including working in the kitchen during dinners put on by the Lodge for community events etc.
The 2015/2016 “Officer of the Year” was awarded to Treasurer Gloria Gunn by Exalted Ruler Siliski for dedicated and meritorious service to the Lodge, who by Unselfish Commitment and Cheerful Enthusiasm furthered Elks programs while fulfilling the responsibilities as an Officer of the Lodge in an Exemplary Manner.
Two “Outstanding Service Commendations” were awarded to Esquire Jim Morse and House Committee Chairman Steven Page. They both have been a big help to the success of the Lodge and helping the Exalted Ruler to do her job as. Zachary Kirkwood was awarded the top new member proposer for the year bringing in three new members. Last but not least, the annual award of the “Pot Stirrer” was given to the Exalted Ruler’s husband Eugene Siliski. Mr. Siliski puts in a lot of time at the Lodge as Mr. Fixit. If there is something broken or items need to be replaced he’s on top of it.
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