Wednesday, April 13, 2016

State wants town to use existing grant funds for Community Center

Everyone agrees that the Springfield Community Center needs some love and attention. But the town shelved a plan to apply for a $25,000 state planning grant to lay out a strategy for renovations Monday because state officials want the town to spend some of its revolving loan funds on the project instead.

Town to plan community center improvements

Monday night, the Springfield Selectboard unanimously approved a request to apply for a planning grant from the Vermont Planning Development Program for $25,000 with a 25 percent match to investigate what work needs to be done and prioritize the needs.    


  1. I'm hoping an elevator is in a not too distant future.

  2. Maybe the siding could be saved and recycled that they are taking off and put on the other book end building in town to make that look better.

  3. How do I get to be considered for submitting the $31,250 investigative study? Will the project be posted for public bid? Exactly who is awarding the contract?

  4. There is a place called Town Hall. Inside of it, is the Town Manager. He is on the third floor. He will have the answer to your question, not a blog.

  5. So much confusion over which pot of OPM, other people's money(taxpayers) to blow on a building that should have been condemned 50 years ago. Will the selectboard all be wearing BOZO clown suits at their next meeting while high fiving each other?

  6. this old dud should be torn down; why doesn't the town take over the almost empty professional building next door to Bibens; plenty of parking and you don't take your life in your hands trying to cross to the current center

  7. Hey here is an idea I have been putting out there for at least 8 years now. Duh...hello moron leaders of springfield...and you really are stupid btw..there is a great building. Its called park street school. There is a gym and a full theater and a kitchen. Tear down the older part. Put parking in and spend money reovating a building that looks good. Tear down that eyesore family center and rec center and move operation over to the other. I guess that would be too much like right. Downtown needs the parking where the current building is. Annnd this is the exact reason springding doesnt revitalize

    1. Second!! Park St is in a good central location and is FAR more worthy of a renovation/restoration project than the existing community center.

    2. One of the main arguments against moving the community center to Park Street has been the difficulty carless elderly living downtown would face having to walk up the steep hill to continue attending the senior citizens gatherings and activities.

    3. That is the dumbest excuse yet but I forget its Springfield, Cradle of Innovation. Heck they could install a pommel lift up and a zip line ride down across Comtu Falls. Heck that might even bring paying tourists(MONEY) for that excursion.

  8. Tear it down. Tear it down. Tear it down. Another wasteful grant by another wasteful town.


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