Monday, April 11, 2016

Work begins on former Bryant Grinder building

Work began Monday on removing asbestos and repairing sections of the roof of the former Bryant Grinder building just south of the Springfield Police Department at 257 Clinton St. to make the space usable for light industrial businesses.    


  1. The central, 'machine shop' area of the building is ancient. I wonder how it can be made suitable for 'light industrial use'.

    1. How about installing a "light industrial" business in there? That might do the trick....

    2. I worked there, how about demolishing the oldest parts of the building, save the new end. The old parts are old and dead, time to bury them.

    3. There are two (relatively) new ends. The north end, next to the police department, is the newest. The south end was built around 1960 - seems like it was finished when I hired on in '63.

  2. I wonder if they are using prisoners again? Cheap labor and they can remove the asbestos, too.

  3. RE: "For Springfield, the problem isn't finding businesses to inhabit the buildings, it's getting the buildings into a condition to get businesses [into them]"


    The largely vacant J&L Plant2/Jones Ctr., Main Street, Dufresne/Stantec Buildings, 100 River Street, VMT, and several more are all open for business. But a non existent, skilled labor force and stifling anti business regulations make Vermont a poor choice to grow a business.

    I'd be lot more impressed if SRDC would recruit meaningful jobs rather than blow smoke up our butt with absurd press release non sense.

  4. Another SRDC fantasy and slight of hand. Pay no attention to our endless failings to attract viable industry and employers to Springfield. Rather, just be impressed by the amount of grant monies that I skim from and then toss willy nilly at another hare brained initiative that's sure to miss. Damn, how much lead is in Springfield's drinking water anyway?


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