Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Youth wrestling team finishes season competing in Vermont State Championship

They've trained hard for months, pushing through sweat, tears, and even a little blood -- all to increase their stamina, improve their skill, and face down personal challenges. The 3rd - 6th grade wrestlers of the Springfield VT Wrestling Team recently wrapped up their tournament season by competing at the Vermont State Championship in Vergennes.

With his usual high energy, Devin Snide-Tufts worked hard against two tough opponents; newcomer Gabriel McNeil also went head-to-head with two seasoned wrestlers -- both Springfield boys are to be commended for their excellent sportsmanship and great attitudes. Second-year wrestler Armando Stettner claimed a victory in his first match, hitting some fast moves and showing determination to beat his opponent. After losing a second match to the tournament champ, Stettner's third match was lost by only one point.

John Jasinski, Jr - also in his second year of wrestling - won three of his impressive five matches with relentless determination, showing increased skill and lots of promise. Jasinski's work at practice paid off as he twisted, turned, rolled, and used his body's weight as leverage to hold his opponents' backs to the mat.

Cole Wright, in his first year back on the mat after a long hiatus, performed admirably against formidable foes, winning two of his matches with strength and speed. Wright has battled uphill all season and has dug deep to reach new personal heights.

Hunter Ferland, another second-year wrestler, has pulled out some jaw-dropping wins this season going into States with an overall record of 11 wins and only 5 losses. Despite a couple of frustrating referee calls in Vergennes, Ferland battled his way to 3rd place against some former state champs.

First-year dynamo Dillan Lacasse poured out his best efforts against three tough opponents to claim the title of State Champ. Lacasse has shown aptitude at practice and an eagerness to learn, gaining confidence as well as increased skill all season.

Coaches Floyd Buck Jr and Don Beebe are very proud of all the wrestlers who were at Vergennes, citing good listening skills and motivation to succeed as factors leading to the overall improvement in the young wrestlers.

The Springfield VT Wrestling Team has made great strides over the past near-decade, expanding the program from the elementary grades to include both junior high and high school students. The growth of the program includes hosting multiple tournaments and scrimmages each season, traveling to a national competition, and purchasing new mats. All fundraising comes from the volunteer efforts of parents, wrestlers, and coaches; money is needed for tournament entrance fees, equipment, mandatory coach training, and more.

The team's overall performance at Vergennes was a capstone to a terrific season, and sincere thanks go out to Don Beebe and Floyd Buck Jr - the team's "dynamic duo" of coaching excellence.

Learn more about the wrestling team at the Don Gurney Field Day at Riverside Middle School on Saturday, May 14th or by contacting one of the team managers: Gigi Guy (junior high & HS) at gguy@ssdvt.org or Kelly Stettner (K-6) atk.stettner101@gmail.com or (802) 738-0456. The summer wrestling camp will run in August, through the Parks & Rec Department.

Some of the Springfield VT Wrestling Team-- Coach Buck, Assistant Coach Mo Stettner, Gabe McNeil, Hunter Ferland, Coach Beebe, Armando Stettner

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