Students and staff at Union Street School in Springfield took part in a flag retirement and honor ceremony on Friday, May 27 for the U.S. flag that has been flying over their school for about the past seven years, according to school staffer Jerry Weeks.

2016-05-25 / Front Page
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Old Glory retired
Students and staff at Union Street School in Springfield took part in a flag retirement and honor ceremony on Friday, May 27 for the U.S. flag that has been flying over their school for about the past seven years, according to school staffer Jerry Weeks. Student helpers and Boy Scouts helped lower the flag and raise a new one, donated by a school secretary whose father had served in the military. Local veterans, Army Spc. Randy Ellison and Francis Bashaw, a U.S. Marine, took part in a ceremony with the students to burn the old, tattered flag. The flag was dedicated to Lynn Morin, a former school district employee of more than 20 years, who died unexpectedly in late March. Taking part, from left, were third-grader Cameron Page, fourth-grader Aaliyah Rowe, Weeks, and fourth-graders Liam Hagen and Zada Grant. At far right, holding up the flag, was fourth-grader Maria Nadeau.
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