Monday, June 6, 2016

Video: Springfield man arrested for violating restraining order

Springfield, VT police have arrested a man who violated his conditions of release not even 24 hours later.

Man sent to jail; to be evaluated
Police said a Springfield man smashed out several windows, falsely reported a fire, and taunted officers inside his apartment building earlier this week.    


  1. I know this man personally. His sudden (about three weeks) switch from high-functioning, self-directed adult to his present state should be a cautionary tale for all those who think "personal responsibility" is a standard answer to social and civic ills.

    1. Agreed--Jack has always been a nice, well-adjusted guy. His sudden change indicates he needs to be in a hospital, getting diagnosed and treated for whatever is wrong with him, and NOT sitting in a jail cell.

  2. Notice that the State Police van did not come to a complete stop. Where are the police when you need them !!

  3. Why is it that progressive liberals think that the solution to every problem is to hold the taxpayer respondible and go into his wallet? Sorry, but I don't agree and yes, 7:11 PM, this is a personal responsibility issue that my tax dollars shouldn't be subsidizing.


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