Recently, Springfield Elks Lodge 1560 awarded six scholarships to local area high school students going on to further their education this fall.

posted on june 6, 2016
Recently, Springfield Elks Lodge 1560 awarded six scholarships to local area high school students going on to further their education this fall. There also was a Vt. State Elks scholarship winner of $1000. The local scholarship winners were given out by Springfield Elks Lodge Scholarship chairman Jackie Driscoll-Page and Exalted Ruler Vicki Siliski. Jackie mentioned that this years applications were way over the top as far as participation and well thought out essays. She had over twenty young people apply. The Elks Lodge members are proud to be able to make these awards and Jackie Driscoll-Page and her committee put a lot of thought into the judging.
The Springfield Scholarship winners receiving $500 each were as follows. Sarah Martel of Green Mt. Union HS atteding University of Maine. She is the daugthter of Ray & Kathy Martel of Proctorsville, Vt. Parker Day of Springfield High School will be attending Keene State College and he is the son of Kevin & Peggy Day of Springfield, Vt. Morgan Collins of Black River HS will be attending St. Michaels College in Burlington, Vt. He is the son of Peter and Rayelin Collins of Mount Holley, Vt. Robert Haseltine of Green Mt. Union HS and will be attending Paul Smiths College. He is the son of Mary Ellen and Mathew Haseltine, of Chester, Vt. Elizabeth Mackenzzie of Springfield High School will be attending the Universigty of New Hampshire and her parents are Mr. and Mrs. Barry Mackenzie. Noah Distefano of Green Mt. Union HS will be attendingthe University of North Carolina. His parents are Mr. and Mrs Randall Distefano of Grafton, Vt. The Vt. State Elks $1000 scholarship was awarded to Heather Morse of Green Mt. Union HS and the daughter of Kelly Sinclair.
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Springfield Elks Scholarship winners are shown left to right. Lodge Scholarship Chairman Jackie Driscoll-Page, Heather Morse,
Morgan Collins, Sarah Martel and Exalted Ruler Vicki Siliski. Back; Robert Haseltine and Parker Day.
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