Saturday, July 16, 2016

High-flying competition takes off in North Springfield

"We have a group of people who like to fly upside down, fly loops, fly rolls, but this is precision aerobatic flying," says Farrell Woods, the president of the New England Aerobatic Club.    


  1. Wish there was a way to band these, they are annoying, flying over your house all day.

  2. Everyone I know within the vicinity of the airport DREADS this weekend. Polite requests to the airport to alternate the flyover areas in order to give their neighbors a break are brusquely refused. The noise would be much more bearable if it were intermittent rather than non-stop over ones home.

    1. Not everyone. Many of us don't spend our busy lives begrudging others. Why can't you relax a few hours and enjoy an exhibition of spectacular ability? I bet you'd bitch if Christmas carolers showed up in December.

    2. Right on, Anon 9:00, they probably would. I live in No. Splfd., I don't mind it, plus, participants spend some cash here.

  3. chuck gregory7/18/16, 6:32 PM

    The airport management is missing a big opportunity to have all the neighbors fall in love with flying! Sure, it's about as unenvironmental as you can get-- and super-expensive, too! But in terms of transcending our biological limitations, flying is perhaps the greatest. There is perhaps no greater test of individual capability than to be flying solo and without a radio in a craft with only an altimeter, airspeed indicator and engine gauges, tracking your course on a map and planning to arrive safely and on time.

    There's also the romance of all the technology that goes into aircraft, a natural for the inclination of many Springfielders, who feel that you haven't lived until you've achieved sixteen to eighteen ten-thousandths of play in a crankshaft.


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