Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Springfield man cited for marijuana cultivation

Police issued a citation to a Springfield man for alleged cultivation of marijuana after several hours conducting a search of a home on Pine Street Monday morning.



  1. Just two good ole boys,
    Never meaning no harm.
    Beats all you never saw, been in trouble with the law
    Since the day they was born.
    Straightenin' the curves,
    Flattenin' the hills.
    Someday the mountain might get 'em but the law never will.
    Makin' their wayyyyyy, the only way they know how.
    Well, that's just a little bit more than the law will allow.
    Just two good ole boys,
    Wouldn't change if they could.
    Fightin' the system like two modern day Robin Hoods. [Yee-haw]

    1. Modern day Robin Hoods? Drug producers and dealers take from the poor to make themselves rich! They are the worst enemy the working people have! But that's the redneck way, isn't it! Exploiting others while they sit on their lazy butts!

  2. What a piece of trash! Right next to a school? I know nothing will happen because the courts in Vermont are laughable about drugs however, I'd love to see this scum pay.

  3. How awful, why next thing ya know they be plantin tabakie fields and building beer breweries rite next a dem daycare centers. T'aint nuthin sacred anymore.


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