Friday, September 9, 2016

School plans to buy run-down home

A Springfield school wants to buy a dilapidated property.


  1. If the school district completes the sale of the property, how about letting me and my crew salvage some of the wood and architectural salvage on the house before you let the wreckers demolish the house?

    I'm sure we can repurpose some of the house lumber.

    1. Darrell, you are this big millionaire investor who gloats in the faces of poor people of how much money you have, why won't you leave the scraps for someone who hasn't had anything GIVEN to them in life and purchase your own supplies. Give the supplies to someone who needs it and can't afford it.

  2. i guess it doesn't matter what the voters want,already voted on this once and it didn't pass,how about taking the money from east school and putting it towards the budget,so maybe the tax rate will start going down
    what about all the ordinance's the selectboard wasted all their time on,i thought these were supposed to take care of house's like this ?

    1. The government doesn't care what you think.

    2. chuck gregory9/10/16, 9:17 AM

      Ah, yet another informed Springfield voter!

    3. Ah,yet chuck running his pie hole again,it's people like you that are ruining this town

  3. This is a fantastic use of the East School sale funds. Last time we voted on it, the property was going to cost $95K. Now it's $45K? That's a steal for the benefit to our kids and families.

    1. most likely the $95k deal was voted down because the school district planned on pissing through a leftover grant from the refurbishing of Union St school at the tune of (sit down for this) 235k. and the promise of a parking lot they knew was impossible to deliver. why don't we wait just a bit longer and pick it up in a tax sale. Lest we forget this will no longer contribute to the tax list, just like the Edgar May center and Muckcross! Just saying, what great leaders we have!

    2. I think that if you think that it's going to be available by tax sale, then you know already that it wasn't (and will never be) contributing.

    3. 1:02pm not a good excuse for Edgar May center or Muckcross though!! Again just saying.

  4. Who owns that house now?

  5. If the money is already there, I'd say it's a good investment. One less crummy, run down house is a step in the right direction, especially since it's next to a school.

  6. Darrell,
    how about you buy the property, salvage what you want. Then donate the property to the town. win win for all.

  7. what's next,the school district buy's the 2 house's across the road and the 1 beside it

  8. I do not respond to anonymous posters.

    1. That's a legitimate response silly. But really, have you not already been given enough in this life without actually earning it? Why not switch things up and give instead of take? This town could use a giver & oh how it would put you in a "look at me" position.

    2. Did you respond to the tax sale listing of one of your properties? lol


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