Sunday, September 11, 2016

Video: Unsung monument

About 50 million people visit New York every year & more than 8 million live there but hardly anyone seems to have heard of The Tear Drop. Why?

As reported in September 2006:

Putin presents America with a memorial to 
commemorate the 5th anniversary of 9-11

Media is silent as memorial is dumped in a bad location

Five years have passed since the 9/11 attacks, and the US government has yet to build a  memorial to the victims that it actually killed. Now, Russian President Putin presents America with a beautiful sculpture to commemorate the fallen towers of New York City.  Funded by private donations, the work of art called "The Tear Drop Memorial",  consists of a 100 foot tall tower, with a huge open crack running down the center. Hanging from the crack is a massive "teardrop"  designed to actually drip water. The base of the monument is surrounded by a marble wall with the names of the 3000 victims engraved in alphabetical order.

Declining to place the monument in Manhattan, or on the scenic Jersey City waterfront, U.S. authorities instead dump Putin's gift in a depressed and unseen spot in Bayonne, NJ.  - around the corner from a junkyard!  The media gives the beautiful memorial, dedicated by Putin himself, the silent treatment.

To this day, the monument is barely known, even among  local residents of Bayonne!

Bayonne officials are happy to host the monument,  but a City Councilman says:

"This is a beautiful memorial. I don't know why they (Jersey City) didn't want it.  We don't even have money to keep the teardrop mechanism operational, so, it stays dry."

The scenic Jersey City waterfront is directly across the river from where the Twin Towers stood. It would have been a far better location.

Vladimir Putin and the Russian people made a beautiful gesture towards America. But the globalists, in anticipation of the eventual conflict with the allied independent powers of Russia and China, need to portray Putin as a thug. That is why any positive news out of Russia gets little or no media coverage in the U.S.

On the trail of New York's lost Teardrop: John Craven tracks down a forgotten monument to the 9/11 victims
About 50 million people visit New York every year and more than eight million live there but no one seems to have heard of The Teardrop...which is odd because it is a 100ft tall, 175-ton memorial to those who died on the city's blackest day.


The Danger of Demonization

As the West is sucked deeper into the Syrian conflict and starts a new Cold War with Russia, the mainstream U.S. news media has collapsed as a vehicle for reliable information, creating a danger for the world.

Да здравствует Россия!

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