Len Emery, a professional photographer and pilot, will present the next OLLI (Osher Lifelong Learning Institute) program on Tuesday November 1 – “Vermont From One Thousand Feet”
www.vermontjournal.com www.lenemeryphotography.com

Vermont from one thousand feet
October 22, 2016
A lane in Shrewsbury
A lane in Shrewsbury
SPRINGFIELD, Vt. – Len Emery will present the next OLLI (Osher Lifelong Learning Institute) program on Tuesday November 1. “Vermont From One Thousand Feet” will be presented at 2:00 p.m. at the Nolin Murray Center next to St. Mary’s Catholic Church on Pleasant St. in Springfield, Vt.
Len Emery, a professional photographer and pilot, will intrigue us by providing a view of familiar places around Springfield from a different perspective – from 1000 feet above ground from an airplane’s view!
Emery began his VT1K (photographing “Vermont From One Thousand Feet” above ground) project 12 years ago to record Vermont from the air originally to get in 250 hours of flight time to obtain his commercial pilot’s license, but the photography aspect soon took the place of the commercial pilot’s license goal.
The focus of his presentation will be sites within a 20 mile radius of Springfield, covering its surrounding areas: north to Windsor, south to Westminster and Bellows Falls, along the Connecticut River and west to Ludlow. He documented Vermont towns devastated by Tropical Storm Irene in 2011, including the resting place of the Bartonsville Bridge in Rockingham.
OLLI-Osher Lifelong Learning Institute, affiliated with the University of Vermont, is a local membership program geared towards seniors 50 years and older who want to engage in meaningful learning, “just for the fun of it!”
The OLLI series programs are selected with input from the local members and carry varied themes from semester to semester including history, art, music, literature, health, nature, science and current events.
Programs are held at 2 p.m. on Tuesday afternoons and last about an hour and a half. Membership is fee is for the semester, which includes 9 programs. Non-members are encouraged and welcome to attend individual lectures for a single program fee of. Memberships, as well as single program fees, may be paid at the program.
The following OLLI program will be two weeks later on November 15
Brochures have been distributed throughout the area towns at businesses, the local libraries, town halls and Chamber of Commerce offices. The complete Springfield and state-wide program list is available on the internet at www.learn.uvm.edu/olli Choose state-wide programs from the menu, and then scroll to Springfield.

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