Sunday, December 18, 2016

Man arrested for September Kwik Stop burglary

On September 28, 2016 the Kwik Stop located on River Street in Springfield was burglarized.

Springfield Police responded to the scene and began an investigation. It was found that two subjects made entry into this business and stole a variety of items while making efforts to conceal their identities. In the coming months to follow several other burglaries were committed by a subject or subjects making efforts to conceal their identities.

After a lengthy investigation and the continuing coordination and collaboration with the Ludlow Police Department and Weathersfield Police Department several incidents were able to be linked to an alleged offender and/or offenders.

On this date with the assistance of the Ludlow Police Department, Springfield Officers arrested Bradley Elliot for his alleged involvement in the burglary of the Kwik Stop, P & M Auto and the Blackrock Steak House in Springfield, Sam's Steak House and Okemo Valley Golf Course in Ludlow to also include Wellwood Orchard in Weatherfield.

Elliott was Lodged at Southern State Correctional Facility in lieu of $50,000.00 cash or surety bail, and should bail be made, be on 24 hour curfew until arraignment

Elliott will be arraigned in Windsor County Superior Court, Criminal Division on Monday, December 19th.    


  1. This is the guy that was working with Matthew and Mitchell Horton. One guess says the Horton boys told the police everything. And Elliot is clearly high as a kite in his mug shot

  2. Starting to get a little thin on the top Bub.


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