Saturday, December 17, 2016

Messy buildings nudged by town to clean up

The town of Springfield has sent a "courtesy letter" to the owners of five properties in town, warning them they face enforcement action unless they clean up the outside of their properties.    


  1. Been hearing a lot about Will Hunter and his properties lately. If four out of the five sloppiest ones in town are owned by him, maybe HE'S the problem!

  2. Community Restoration Corp? is told to clean up? Name implies making the place better. sigh! One of those houses was GIVEN to him.

  3. That IS too bad with Russ Warren died more than a year ago. He had children; clean up this house, sell the house or else give to town of Springfield VT.

  4. It would take two people less than one hour to clean that. Hire me, I'll do it for $100.

  5. That $100 might get the building clean, but it's $56 a yard to dispose of it at recycling-- better boost your price a bit!


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