Springfield hit hard by latest snow storm
Updated: 7:07 PM EST Dec 30, 2016
Areas all over Vermont got hit with Thursday's storm, but Springfield gathered some of the most snow, reaching about 10 inches.
On Friday, many said the heavy snowfall kept them inside for much of the day. Some even decided to work from home to avoid the cold and the icy roads.
"We have more snow now than we did at all last year!" Springfield resident Bethany Keefe said.
The Springfield Public Works Department did much of the plowing all day long and into the night.They said the nonstop job was a big change compared to last year's mild winter.
"The snow started in the late morning. The guys plowed right through until about 10 o'clock last night," said Public Works Director Jeff Strong. "And then the crew went home and came back in at three this morning."
Springfield maintenance worker Renford Freeman described the plowing work as mentally exhausting.
"You start at one point, and by the time you reach the next point and come back...you might have 6 inches of snow!" Freeman explained.
Now that the storm has passed, many said the conditions appear to be much better. The Public Works Department is already preparing for the rest of the season.
"We'll get some needed rest, and prepare for the next event that looks like some freezing rain come Monday," Strong said.
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