Monday, December 19, 2016

Video: Springfield Vermont Role in the Soviet Missile Threat

Antony Sutton explains in this 3 minute clip from an old interview with Dr.Stanley Monteith. Sutton was an economics professor at California State University, Los Angeles and a research fellow at Stanford University's Hoover Institution from 1968 to 1973.

Former Soviet Defense Ministry official Avraham Shifrin put it this way: “Before we got the (U.S.) guidance systems, we could hardly find Washington with our missiles. Afterwards, we could find the White House.”

The Deaf Mutes and the Soviet Missile Threat

Antony C. Sutton

Video: Everything is a Rich Man's Trick

An advertisement from the 1940s


  1. chuck gregory12/19/16, 8:23 AM

    Ah, the power of unrestrained capitalism to hang itself! Wall Street makes a profit by shipping to the Soviet Union the very ball bearings it needs for its nuclear weapons program. May we assume the transaction involved a profit?

    And it wasn't the government that favored this; it was whoever stood to make a profit-- they sent in their lobbyists to make it sound like a win-win politically, and hey, presto! The permit was issued.

    Of course, Wall Street repaid Springfield's economy by arranging the Goldman Industrial [so-called; he was actually a CFO, not an industrialist] Group's financing to purchase, strip and then destroy Bryant Grinder.

    We can and ought to protect our economic life from this predation.

  2. Hah. No ball bearings were shipped, Chuck. It was machines for grinding the races in the outers (Model Bs) and on the inners (1Ms) that were shipped to the USSR. The Model B was configurable as a bore grinder, and some of those were shipped too.

    None of this production was secret; local and national news covered it, both factually and otherwise. It's old news. If you wish to get excited, accomplish it with current events; I'm pretty sure all of the decision makers are dead.

  3. chuck gregory12/19/16, 5:33 PM

    Bob, people have to look at systems which produce the results. It's the difference between putting a band-aid on a wound and understanding why the gun was fired.

    1. I get it, Chuck. Old news is history though. Nobody learns from history, y'know. It's gotta be current, and spun some.

    2. Nobody in THIS country learns from history; we would'nt be where we are if we did! But even though unchecked capitalism is the root of much evil, it's WAY too much of a stretch to link machine sales to the USSR decades ago to the current state of affairs!


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