Monday, February 6, 2017

Countering Islamophobia

In a post-9/11 world, where conflicts with radical terrorist groups have been a regular feature in world news, Rev. M’ellen Kennedy, in Springfield yesterday, said that people must learn about Islam, rather than fearing it.    


  1. It is not Islam that we have a fear of, it Radical Islamic Terrorist, and since these people are slime, unless the Islamic community does something about it then they by default are part of the problem... then need to stand up and be counted and root out their own people. The ban is a good thing until they do!

  2. Rev. Kennedy's need to preach politics from the pulpit vs. the Bible is exactly why after 200 years in Vermont my family has left the church. Rev. Kennedy would do well to recognize more souls are sitting on bar stools at the Elks Club than her sparely attended sermon, and little has to do with faith.

  3. The KKK and the Aryan Nation have murdered more people in America than Muslims have, yet they are allowed to practice their "religion" every day in America. Maybe we SHOULD change the First Ammendment, in order to root out ALL religious extremism. But then, a lot of Trump's supporters would be on that list, so.....

  4. chuck gregory2/6/17, 9:25 PM

    There's a little thing called "blowback" which is pretty much responsible for "radical Islamic terrorism." How would we feel if the KGB funded the Bush family to topple the Trump presidency, send him into exile and use a puppet Bush to pack all the critical government posts with Moscow stooges, sending the FBI to spy on all of us, imprison those who protested, torture most of them and execute a goodly number?

    Wouldn't the patriots among us do what we could to destroy Russia, perhaps going so far as to fly hijacked planes into the Kremlin?

    In a word, those Russian actions would produce "blowback," an effect our Middle East policies have produced with Islam. We would have been smarter to develop wind, hydro and solar energy rather than have President Carter proclaim that the Middle East's oil was a "vital interest " to the US.

    And considering that most of the damage those feared "RIT's" incur is psychological, we should be ashamed of cowering. In WWII, the British lost 3,500 people a day for four months of the Blitz, and they didn't whimper and accede to strip searches at airports or train stations...

  5. "Must" learn Islam? Yeah, I bet, over my dead American Christian body.

    1. Your proposal is acceptable.

  6. What would Jesus say about a wall?
    It had a great, high wall, with twelve gates, and at the gates twelve angels, and on the gates the names of the twelve tribes of the sons of Israel were inscribed— (Revelation 21:12)


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