Saturday, March 4, 2017

Improving the neighborhood

The Union / Park Neighborhood Association (UPNA) of Springfield is seeking approval from the town to be involved in the planning, landscaping and beautification of land at 47 Union St.    


  1. This is why Springfield is never going anywhere. We worry about dumbs stuff and ignore really stuff. How well did the garden do on Main Street? Main Street is Still a dump.

  2. I hope they use milk crates, like at the end of Union Street. I love those.

  3. These simple do-gooders are failing to deal with core issues. They need to initiate recall petitions and field candidates for Selectboard that make will make things happen. Until serious fines for blight are issued, nothing will change. No one wants to own property adjacent to Hunter's dumps, dilapidated vacant buildings, tar paper and Tyvek eye sores, or those profoundly hideous slums on Park Street hill where there's room for huge dumpsters and unregistered vehicles, but resident's cars half park in the street. Yeah, planting a few flowers will solve all that. The pain, the pain.

  4. Landscaping is nice, but does nothing when blight is next door. Pressure needs to be put on the property owners. Hunter needs to be pushed out out Springfield along with the other slum lords.

    1. Now mind herself, that young legal aid lawyer said them slumlords are needed to house the elderly, and the director of that social service agency, what's its name? Oh SEVCA. He said without those slumlords those bad tenants and addicts wouldn't have a place to stay. Why my missus and I vote for them social service agencies like Springfield Sustainable Housing every year. Why where would poor Johnny have a pace to stay when he wasn't in prison. Why them slumlords are just angels in disguise. Why they leave little hyper dermic needles around for my niece to play with, the little sweetheart. She practices giving shots to her dollies, says she is going to grow up and work in one of them Methadone clinics that the community is clamoring for. She is one smart cookie, already training for the jobs of the future.


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