Voters in Springfield approved all articles at the River Valley Technical Center (RVTC) School District Annual Meeting on Thursday, March 2 at the Howard Dean Education Center. The second part of that meeting, for general budget approval, has been recessed until March 7.

2017-03-04 / Front Page
Voters approve all items at RVTC School District annual meeting
Budget vote set for March 7
SPRINGFIELD — Voters in Springfield approved all articles at the River Valley Technical Center (RVTC) School District Annual Meeting on Thursday, March 2 at the Howard Dean Education Center. The second part of that meeting, for general budget approval, has been recessed until March 7.
In regard to compensation for school district officers, voters elected to pay the same stipends as last year: $50 per meeting to the moderator, $100 per meeting to the clerk, $1,000 per year to the treasurer, and $400 per year to each of the voting board members, all according to a staff member at the RVTC office.
Voters also approved an article for the school district to authorize the RVTC School District Board of Directors to “receive and expend funds received through grants, donations, or other outside sources during the ensuing year, so long as such funds do not change the technical-education tuition assessment derived from the operating budget approved by the school district voters.”
Also approved was an authorization for the board of directors to borrow funds through a bridge loan to cover expenses while waiting for state funding to arrive.
No other business was brought before the board at the meeting.
The RVTC school district includes member districts Bellows Falls Union High School District No. 27, Black River Union High School District No. 39, Green Mountain Union High SChool District No. 35, and Springfield School District.
The next round of voting is scheduled for March 7 when voters can decide, by Australian ballot, whether or not to approve the sum of $2,808,631 to defray current expenses for the ensuing fiscal year, and to pay outstanding orders and obligations.
Voters of each member district will be able to cast ballots for this question at their respective polling locations.
Copies of the RVTC annual report are available at town clerks’ offices, high schools in member districts, at, or upon request by contacting the RVTC office at (802) 885-8301.
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