Springfield was the place to be Saturday, March 18 as area 4-H'ers enthusiastically sang, danced and shared their project work with friends, family and the public.

2017-03-24 / Local
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Local children qualify for 4-H State Day
Westminster 4-H'er Laura Kamel shows off the photo she entered in the traditional photo contest at the Southeast Vermont 4-H Regional Day, March 18, at Springfield High School in Springfield, Vermont. (photo: Lisa Muzzey/UVM Extension 4-H)
Westminster 4-H'er Laura Kamel shows off the photo she entered in the traditional photo contest at the Southeast Vermont 4-H Regional Day, March 18, at Springfield High School in Springfield, Vermont. (photo: Lisa Muzzey/UVM Extension 4-H)
SPRINGFIELD, Vt. — Springfield was the place to be Saturday, March 18 as area 4-H'ers enthusiastically sang, danced and shared their project work with friends, family and the public.
The annual Southeast Vermont 4-H Regional Day, featuring 4-H club members from Windham and Windsor counties, took place at Springfield High School. Organized by University of Vermont (UVM) Extension 4-H in these two counties, the event attracted 48 participants and 91 exhibits, including stage presentations, action exhibits, illustrated talks, tabletop displays, photos and more. Emcees were 4-H'ers Lilia Kocsis and Garrette Shanks, both of Vernon, Vermont.
The winners in each category will represent the Southeast region at 4-H State Day, May 13, along with top exhibitors from other counties in the state. State Day will be held at the Barre Civic Center in Barre.
These individuals and clubs include:
Windham County
ACTION EXHIBIT: High View Trotters 4-H Club, Springfield (How to Make Slime with Ella Clark, Ashlin Maxfield and Sadie Scott, all of Bellows Falls; Natalie Douglass, Saxtons River; and Laura Kamel, Westminster)
DEMONSTRATION (INDIVIDUAL): Tanya Wheeler, Wilmington (How to Properly Clean a Driving Bridle)
ILLUSTRATED TALK: CC Allembert, Whitingham (Icelandic Horses: Fire and Ice); Shiane Wheeler, Wilmington (Parts of a Saddle)
NON-CLOTHING SEWING: Megan Carson, Windham (pillow)
PHOTO DESIGN: Whitney Dunklee and Kelsey Kissell, both of Vernon; Laura Kamel, Westminster; Kylee Taylor, Athens; Kassidy Wyman, Cambridgeport
PHOTOGRAPHY: Kayli Aldrich and Kylee Taylor, both of Athens; Natalie Douglass, Saxtons River; Whitney Dunklee and Kelsey Kissell, both of Vernon; Ashlin Maxfield, Bellows Falls; Kassidy Wyman, Cambridgeport
POSTER: Ella Clark and Sadie Scott, both of Bellows Falls
PUBLIC SPEAKING: Elizabeth Brown, Vernon (Composting with Worms); Kassidy Wyman, Cambridgeport (Back Up Your Design From Head to Tail)
QUILT: Kassidy Wyman, Cambridgeport
STAGE PRESENTATION (GROUP): River Riders II, Cambridgeport (country line dance with Bradford, Garrett, Jackson, Kyrah, Makaylee and Weston Cutts, all from Brookline); River Riders II, Cambridgeport (song and instrumental with Bradford and Makaylee Cutts, Brookline, and Keith and Yachne Nilges, Townshend)
STAGE PRESENTATION (INDIVIDUAL): Viola Brown, Vernon (baton)
TABLETOP EXHIBITS: Megan Carson, Windham (How to Build a Jump); Makaylee Cutts, Brookline (A Taste of Sweetness); Whitney Dunklee, Vernon (Cows Taste the Rainbow); Kylee Taylor, Athens (All Ears). Alternate: Lilia Kocsis, Vernon (The Mane Idea)
ILLUSTRATED TALK: Lucy Palmer, Ludlow (Milking Your Cow)
PHOTO DESIGN: Zoe Chaves, Chester; Jenna Dolloph and Emeillia Gomo, both of Chester; Claire Palmer and Mia Valente, both of Ludlow
PHOTOGRAPHY: Emeillia Gomo and Arin Kenyon, both of Chester; Mia Valente, Ludlow
POSTER: Hannah Dolloff, Springfield; Emeillia Gomo, Chester. Emeillia's poster was selected as "Best of Show" and will be on display at Eastern States Exposition in West Springfield, Massachusetts, in September.
TABLETOP EXHIBITS: Emeillia Gomo, Chester (Dogs); Amanda Ferguson, Springfield (Mustang Makeover). Alternate: Zoe Chaves, Chester (Jumping to New Heights)
For more information about the 4-H program in southeastern Vermont, call Lisa Muzzey, UVM Extension 4-H educator, at (802) 885-8386.
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