A 34-year-old Springfield man was arrested Sunday after an alleged fight at Ascutney Self-Storage in Weathersfield.
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2017-04-25 / Local
Springfield man arrested for aggravated assault
WEATHERSFIELD — A 34-year-old Springfield man was arrested Sunday after an alleged fight at Ascutney Self-Storage in Weathersfield.
Vermont State Police were called to Ascutney Self-Storage at 5:30 p.m. for a fight. Investigation revealed that Gordon Briggs was involved in a fight with a 50-year-old man, during which he attempted to assault that man with a knife.
Briggs was subsequently arrested and transported to Vermont State Police barracks in Westminster for processing.
Briggs was lodged at Southern State Correctional Facility on $5,000 bail. Briggs was given a criminal citation and is scheduled to appear today in Vermont Superior Court, Windsor Criminal Division to answer to the charge of aggravated assault.
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