Friday, June 9, 2017

Party in the Pasture this Saturday

Get acquainted with the VINE Sanctuary animal rescue community by attending Party in the Pasture, one of their quarterly public volunteer days.

Get up close and personal with sanctuary residents by helping with pasture and yard maintenance chores. Your labors will be rewarded by a sanctuary tour and vegan snacks with sanctuary staff.

This event is FREE and open to the public, but we do prefer you RSVP at least one day in advance, so that we can make enough snacks for everybody!


What should I wear?
Wear sturdy boots or shoes (no flip-flops!) that you won't mind getting dirty. Bring muck boots or rain boots in case it's muddy. Wear clothes suitable for outdoor chores -- nothing that you would be upset to see get dirty or torn.

What should I bring?
Bring a refillable water bottle, so that you can stay hydrated. If you have (non-leather) work gloves or gardening gloves, bring those too. If you happen to have a shovel or a rake, bring that too, in case we don't have enough for everybody.

Can I help with the snacks?
Yes! Sanctuary staff volunteer their time to make or buy snacks for these events. If you can pitch in by bringing something vegan to share, that's always deeply appreciated!

Can I arrive at any time during the event?
Please try to come at or very near 11 a.m., as it is very difficult for our staff to get teams of volunteers set up with projects when people arrive at different and unpredictable times. If you know that you cannot come on time but still would like to attend the event, just give us a heads up and an ETA, so that we can plan accordingly.

What will we be doing, exactly?
Weather permitting, this day will be focused on improving and maintaining the pastures. Planned activities include picking up rocks and sticks from pathways, spot seeding bare patches, and digging up thistles before they get big. However, it's possible that we will need help with other things, such as barn, coop, or aviary cleaning.

Will we have a chance to meet the birds too?
Yes! Even though the focus of this event will be the pastures used by cows and sheep, some people will be helping with the avian foraging yards, and there will be plenty of opportunities for everybody to meet the chickens, ducks, geese, turkeys, and other birds at the sanctuary.

Is this event child-friendly?
It can be! Tell us in advance if you want to bring child younger than 13, and we will be sure to have something appropriate for a child of that age to do.

Video: Welcome Maddox


  1. Don't forget your money for donations so that the people of VINE don't have to go to work like the rest of us.

  2. Will there be hamburgers and hot dogs?


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