Monday, September 4, 2017

Cosmos face tough openers

The Springfield Cosmos have taken baby steps in football the past few years. They were 1-8 last year. They look better on paper this year, but they open their season with four tough games coming out of the shoot. They better be up for the challenges.    


  1. How about try a different coach?

    1. How about try, if Springfield wants there teams to be competitive, put some tax dollars toward the sports programs. For years there was no to little early aged football, in fact flag football for a few years (LOL). Now there seams to be interest in younger aged football to build a program thanks to a few in Springfield. These programs takes years to build and develop kids to playing and competing.

    2. Their* c'mon Roger, if you want to be taken seriously please proofread your statements.
      I agree that a youth program will help in the years to come.

  2. Roger, as a parent and tax payer I viomently object to funding of the high school, football program. Such funds are squandered on a handful of neanderthals for what? These kids are far more likely to receive a concussion or lifetime physical injury than a scholarship. Such funds should be equitably distributed introducing a broad range of students irrespective of size and strength to physical activities that offer a lifetime of enjoyment. Such include, swimming, cycling, skiing, golf, tennis, track & field, rock climbing, etc., etc. Football only exists so egotistical administrators, coaches and a few parents can live vicariously thru arena viewed exploits.

    For the love of Christ, I hope I never have to listen to another fat drunk at the Moose Club extolling his high school glory days playing football.

    1. Keep your name Anonymous with views like that and calling names, in my opinion who wants your tax dollars, name callers (Neanderthals?) really to make their points are worthless. That's why there is a vote in towns and states, so let the voters in town make the choices and you keep hanging out at the Moose. Maybe you and Hillary should not think of the rest of us and Neanderthal's or Deplorable's look where it got your Hero's home in Chappaqua and Burlington.

  3. Forget all school sponsored sports. Until Springfield can get its act together as a community and not have poorly rated schools, we need to focus on education not football. It angers me how much emphasis is put on football. Studies have shown how devastating this sport can be. But it shows the mentality or lack of it in this community.

  4. A different coach? You obviously know nothing about the current coach. Rich Saypack is the BEST you'll find in the area. In reality, he's good enough to coach at collegiate level. You don't rebuild a football program from scratch overnight, nor does it make sense to propose replacing a coach, when that's all the Springfield has done for nearly the past decade. In 2005, Springfield didn't win a game, but 3 seasons later the Cosmos were undefeated, and returned to the finals the following season. Rich Saypack was the assistant coach during those years and an instrumental component of an historical turnaround. That comment is an illustration of the cancer-like ignorance that runs rampant in that town.

    1. Gary Harris was the best we had. Too bad someone had it out for him. The players rallied behind him.

    2. Gary Harris was hired with no High school coaching experience. Best we had haha.

  5. Rich came back to coach a program out of loyalty to the kids and the town. It's brave and admirable of him to return and try to rebuild something for a second time. The above comments are an amalgamation of why the program is where it's at. We lost a peewee program, the backbone of Cosmos football, because of ignorant parents and disgraceful egos. Get over yourselves, support this man, because I would venture to say he is your last hope.

  6. As someone who spent over 20 years broadcasting high school football games on the radio, I witnessed many programs that went through long stretches of disappointing seasons. Springfield should be grateful Rich is heading up your program because he give the Cosmos their best chance for a return to success.

    Building a winning program takes time, especially a program that has been down for so long. It's also important to remember there really is more to consider than just winning. His players are learning the positive things that can develop from working together. The Cosmos will win some and and they'll lose some but every one of these players will carry the memories of camaraderie and teamwork forever.

    Rich and his squad need (and deserve) your support.

  7. The amount of negativity in this town is appalling. This is not the Springfield I remember growing up in. Get it together Springfield. Rather than complaining and being a naysayer, why don't you try to be a contributing member of this community and support programs and those who are trying to make a difference. Thank you for those who see the positive and potential and support our community.

  8. *coach Schweitzer turns over in his grave*


Please keep your comments polite and on-topic. No profanity

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