Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Helping Hands Day at VINE Sanctuary

VINE Sanctuary invites the public to attend the upcoming Volunteer Day on Saturday, Sept. 9, 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at 201 Massey Road in Springfield. This volunteer day will focus on preparing for autumn. Many hands make light work.



  1. Do they need help loading the animals on trucks to take them to the slaughter house? Lot of meat there that could be used to feed the poor instead of running their own personal petting zoo with public donations and tax free status.

  2. Keep in mind, they do offer a sanctuary for abused, unwanted and exotic animals people foolishly buy as pets. I suspect they're available for adoption. In my book, anyone that has compassion for animals can't be all bad, (except for cat hoarders with pink hats.)

    1. I doubt people bought cows as pets. VINE sees anyone milking a cow as abuse and anyone eating animals as an abusive, sexist, violent racist homophobe(their own words). They even claim that slaughterhouse workers are especially likely to abuse their partners and children.. Enough with the nonsense.

  3. Will there be hamburgers for volunteers?

  4. I love how they say they care about animals, but they clear cut half the side of the mountain, taking habitat away from the wildlife that used to live there, then they go around post land without permission,that doesn't even belong to them

    1. That is a fact. Typical flatlanders.


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