Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Vermont Democratic Party holding forum on livable wage in Springfield on Thursday

At the Springfield Town Library, starting at 5:00 p.m. This is a public event and everyone is encouraged to attend.

The Vermont Democratic Party is hosting a forum at the Springfield Town Library on Thursday, September 7, at 5:00 p.m. that will address a concern many Vermonters face, earning enough money to support themselves. Workers make the world go ‘round, so don’t they deserve to get paid a livable wage? Small businesses are vital to the local and State economy so how would raising the current minimum wage impact them? What about that “benefit cliff” we hear about? And yes, what is a livable wage, what is fair?

The forum will be moderated by Faisal Gill, Chair of the Vermont Democratic Party, and the panelists include: VT Atate Representatives Alice Emmons and Matthew Trieber, Paul Cillo, President of The Public Assets Institute, and Isaac Grimm of Fight for $15. There will be plenty of time for the public to ask questions, express concerns, and share their opinions. This is a public event and everyone is encouraged to attend. Light snacks will be provided.    


  1. Why fight for just $15 an hour? Why stop at $15? Make it $100 an hour for everyone along with free healthcare, free food, free phones, free housing, free cable TV, free transportation, no taxes and free college tuition. You would think the clowns running the Democratic Party would learn about basic economics. Areas that have forced the $15 wage are already experiencing less employment, more business failures and closures and inflated prices for goods and services.

    1. I agree, 5 dollars an hour is enough for most people. But if your father has lots of money to give to you you might just have the fortune of the Donald. Which could make you president some day.

  2. Light snacks will be provided.

    Don't workers deserve a full three course meal?

    Typical liberal bullcrap. You deserve whatever it is that we're incapable of giving you and you're incapable of earning on your own.

  3. I once lived in a rural, Maine community where shoe making was the predominate employer. Wages were significant for those able to excel at "piece work." Many students never completed school as they perceived their future in the "shops" and could start enjoying a sizable paycheck sooner than later. For the shops it was a Godsend. A captive, highly productive workforce too stupid to obtain alternate employment.

    By 40 years old most hand stitchers were lagging behind in production. Debilitating hand conditions like carpel tunnel and arthritis had taken their toll. Functionally illiterate, ignorant, with no savings, academic or trade skills, these mature workers assumed a life poverty.

    So please explain to me in a rat hole like Springfield with the highest dropout rate in Vermont how you encourage kids to get an education when they can earn $15/hr for just showing up for work? Beyond that, I can damn well guaranty you Faisal Gill, Alice Emmons, Matthew Trieber, Paul Cillo and Isaac Grimm have never funded a payroll or personally contributed anything to furthering the prosperity of their community. Isn't that right Alice?

  4. chuck gregory9/7/17, 8:06 AM

    I'll bet those students weren't turning to opioids while they were in high school. For them, limited as their aspirations were, life was good. They could be screw-ups, but they knew they were good enough to get a job that would last them a lifetime. Sure, they got the short end of the funnel in old age, but that didn't happen to other workers in other businesses who had a view of the bigger picture and did things like join a union or get a better paying job elsewhere.

    Right now we have fully mature adults who are scraping by in Springfield. In 2014, 40% of Springfield households were making less than $12.00 an hour. You might want to try doing that for your family, 7:32.

  5. Wow, I wonder how many of you wingnuts ever had to live on less than $10 per hour. None, I suppose, BECAUSE IT CAN'T BE DONE! Not if you want to eat, or live in a decent home. You can delude yourselves all you like, but the rest of us aren't buying it. We've all had to work for people like you, and we know how full of crap you are!

    1. I am surprised anyone would pay you $10.00 an hour with your attitude or even employ you at any wage. Blaming your employer instead of yourself and your own shortcomings explains why you don't deserve a higher wage. Smoke some more dope, blame everyone else for your own failures and cry yourself to sleep with your binky.

  6. If full of crap is working two, low wage jobs while pursuing a high demand, technical education, then moving across country to gain invaluable work experience, I plead guilty. I'll grant you life is not fair. But I think you'll find that hard work, ambition, using birth control, forgoing cell phones, big screen TVs and tattoos has its rewards. But democrats would have you believe you lack the opportunity to succeed. What's your excuse?

  7. chuck gregory9/8/17, 8:27 AM

    5:21 points out the core to suffering a non-livable wage job: "while pursuing... education..." When one's motivation aims for the distant goal, making $8.54 an hour and living with cockroaches is tolerable. Of course, there'd better not be any dependents in that picture. For an example of why not, be sure to see "The Glass Palace" when it comes to Springfield. Family members can suffer horribly when the pursuit threatens their life, health or sanity.

  8. Livable wage is only relative to ones chosen expenditures so this argument is mute.


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