Master Teacher to offer Reiki I Certification Class SPRINGFIELD — Lauren Potter, a Usui-Holy Fire II Reiki Master Teacher and Karuna Reiki Master Teacher/Practitioner, will offer a Reiki I certification class from 8:45 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Oct. 28 at Studio Time & Space, 59 Main St. in Springfield. The class will introduce participants to the Usui-Holy Fire II Reiki energies, the most recent upgraded Reiki energies that are healing, helping, empowering, purifying, protecting, and guiding, according to a press release from Potter. In the morning there will be an intro to Reiki. The afternoon will be spent in practice with self-healing and with others. Participants will access intuitive guidance (Reiji-Ho) along with learning the Japanese Reiki Techniques of gassho (meditation to focus on Reiki energy,) byosen scanning (scanning the body and auric field to find places that need Reiki), and kenyoku (dry bathing technique to cleanse the auric field before and after channeling Reiki), plus practicing various hand positions, the Reiki Shower and Reiki Sandwich techniques and more as time allows. The William Rand, "The Healing Touch, First and Second Degree Reiki Manual," plus another Reiki book of choice, and certificate will be included in tuition of $168. Healthy snacks will provided for breaks. The class will take a 40 minute lunch break. Potter is an adjunct Faculty at CCSNH, a Vermont Reiki Association member and Reiki Membership Association member, has a private practice, and teaches in Norwich, Springfield, Putney, Brattleboro, and at CCSNH. For more information on registration and payment, contact Lauren Potter via email at laurenpottervt@gmail.com or (802) 591-0507, or visit www.laurenpotterreikihealing.com.
Keep on writing, great job!