I can not comprehend the town paying $194,000 for a structure that is truly worthless. The owner turned a liability into a very profitable payday. Now, the same, lowlife owner is making the community suffer with his Parks & Wilson eye sore until he fleeces even more from us. Absolutely despicable!
Am I reading that article correctly, that the town is also paying $ 125,000 to have them torn down, seem like an extravagant amount, if torn down by hand I'm sure much cheaper, but quick satisfaction drives the price up, thus no regard for the taxpayers again.
Good fun until one or more of those volunteers gets injured or killed, as they would most likely be untrained in demolition. Anyone with the proper credentials and experience would want to be paid to risk their lives!
Habitat for Humanity relies mostly on volunteers for its building work projects. I've taken the liberty of copying and modifying their liability release form for the town to have demolition volunteers sign. Let the recruiting begin for the next wrecking project!
If the town does something that doesn't benefit the owner of the derelict property when it acts to improve the quality of life for all, isn't that socialism???? We can't have that!
I must say I agree with the negative posters. Although it's good that this (and other) dilapidated buildings come down, we the taxpayers should not be enriching those who made bad investments on run down properties. If they can not (or will not) maintain them, they should be seized, and THEN torn down. We should NOT be forced to reward their laziness or lack of business sense by paying for their slum properties, just to be rid of them. Being successful in business is a privilege, not a right!
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About freaking time! Now for the J&L.....
ReplyDeleteLet the unvailng of the river view begin.
ReplyDeleteI can not comprehend the town paying $194,000 for a structure that is truly worthless. The owner turned a liability into a very profitable payday. Now, the same, lowlife owner is making the community suffer with his Parks & Wilson eye sore until he fleeces even more from us. Absolutely despicable!
ReplyDeletei agree
DeleteAm I reading that article correctly, that the town is also paying $ 125,000 to have them torn down, seem like an extravagant amount, if torn down by hand I'm sure much cheaper, but quick satisfaction drives the price up, thus no regard for the taxpayers again.
ReplyDeleteFollow the money. Did anyone see bid requests for this work? And why weren't zoning fines issued instead of an absurd pay-off? Something stinks here.
DeleteA bunch of volunteers could have had great fun wrecking the place by hand. Then there would only be the cost of carting the rubble away.
DeleteGood fun until one or more of those volunteers gets injured or killed, as they would most likely be untrained in demolition. Anyone with the proper credentials and experience would want to be paid to risk their lives!
DeleteAnonymous 9:01 PM But $ 125,000 to tear it down, yeah excavators cost money, but you can buy 2 new ones for that price...
DeleteHabitat for Humanity relies mostly on volunteers for its building work projects. I've taken the liberty of copying and modifying their liability release form for the town to have demolition volunteers sign. Let the recruiting begin for the next wrecking project!
DeleteSpringfield VT Demolition Release Form
wonder if the state was notified about all the materials falling in the river.
ReplyDeleteIf the town does something that doesn't benefit the owner of the derelict property when it acts to improve the quality of life for all, isn't that socialism???? We can't have that!
ReplyDeleteI must say I agree with the negative posters. Although it's good that this (and other) dilapidated buildings come down, we the taxpayers should not be enriching those who made bad investments on run down properties. If they can not (or will not) maintain them, they should be seized, and THEN torn down. We should NOT be forced to reward their laziness or lack of business sense by paying for their slum properties, just to be rid of them. Being successful in business is a privilege, not a right!
ReplyDeleteAnonymous 7:08 PM Amen!
DeleteHow much to have them continue demolishing right down to the corner of park st? It would make a sweet parking lot and river view