Monday, November 20, 2017

Video: Springfield resident kicks off gubernatorial bid

Keith Stern's first speech of his 2018 campaign for Governor of Vermont. "As you can tell, I am not a polished politician. Honestly, I don't look at that as a deficit but as an advantage. My entry into this race exemplifies what the brilliant founders of the great constitutional republic envisioned when they wrote and spoke of citizen legislators."  (Time: 13 minutes)

The campaign kickoff event took place early Sunday afternoon at North Springfield Baptist Church. It began with some rousing remarks by radio talk show host Keith Hanson,  dubbed "...THE voice of common-sense Conservatism in New Hampshire and Vermont." (Heard weekday mornings in Springfield on 99.7 FM WNTK.) Stern was then introduced by the campaign's communications director Rebecca Bailey.  Around 30 other people were in attendence to listen and then later chat with the two Keiths.

The last Vermont Governor from Springfield was Sweden-born Joseph Johnson.  He was elected in 1955 and served two terms.

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